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Harley trudged into the jet, determined to not talk to Henley. She knew that she would go all "big sister" on her, and try to talk to her about her past. That was the last thing she needed.

She put her small suitcase down, and checked her phone. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the texts from Theo.

'Ignoring me, eh? Well that's gonna change. Heard your lousy excuse for a team is going to perform.'

'I take your lack of communication as a yes?'

'I'm assuming you'll cower and be backstage? That's good. No men will get to see you.' 

'Harleen, answer me now.'

She sighed, contemplating on what to say, or if she should answer at all.

She decided to go for broke, and talk to the control freak himself. "Daniel."

Daniel didn't answer, too focused on Henley and Merritt's conversation.

"Daniel!" She yelled before sitting in front of him. "You deaf?"

"Hm? What?" He asked her, clueless.

"You-" she cut herself off, "Never mind."

"What did you need?" Daniel asked, giving her a smug look.

"I want to perform." She mumbled, still unsure of her actions. She didn't really want to perform, but she wanted to prove Theo wrong. She hated being called a coward.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I want to perform." She said, louder this time. Daniel gave her a stunned look before clearing his throat.

"W-what made you - um - change your mind?" He stuttered.

"I have this thing that whenever somebody tells me I can't do something, I have to prove them wrong." She admitted, playing with her fingers. "So can I get a spot or not?"

"Uh yeah sure." He said before realizing that she wasn't wearing her tracking bracelet. "Where's your bracelet?"

"Like I'm gonna wear that tacky thing." She snorted, her mind instantly off of Theo.

Danny pinched the bridge of his nose, "Do you at least have it with you?"

"Why would I bring it if I'm not going to wear it? That's just stupid." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

"No, what's stupid is that you don't listen to a word I say." He sneered quietly. "The tracking device will ensure that we get to the meeting point."

"I'll get there." She sighed. "Now could we please talk about my stupid performance?"

"Later." He said as he got up and walked towards Henley. Harley sighed before following, setting the plan in motion.

Daniel had just shooed Jack away, causing Harley to give him a look.

"Hey guys. Uh we got a show to prepare for." Danny said, leaning into the doorway.

"Do we now?" Merritt got up, tilting his head slightly.

"No no, don't do that." Danny backed away. "You're not doing that thing to me. No."

"What thing? I'm just looking at you." Merritt defended.

"No, I've been watching you for a year, I know all of your little tricks." Danny exclaimed.

"Is that what they are to you? Tricks?" Merritt asked, looking amused.

"Yes. It's gimmicks. It's Barnum statements. It's reading the eyes. Body language I get it." Danny insisted.

"If it's such an easy thing, why don't you do..." Merritt challenged, looking between the two sisters. "Henley."

Henley leaned out of her seat, "Yeah Danny. Why don't you do me?"

"No, you're too easy." Danny replied. "I'll do Jasmine."

"No. Do me." Arthur interrupted earning looks.

Merritt nodded, "Oh yeah. Do art."

Harley suppressed a laugh, before her phone buzzed again.

'Perform and face the consequences.'

She bit her lip before blocking the number and turning her attention back to the conversation.

"Just uh stay with me, okay?" Danny cleared his throat, "So Art you were a tough kid. You know kind of a rapscallion. You had a dog, a real tough dog. A brutish breed. I wanna say, Ben the Bulldog."

"Actually I was a prissy little tot. I have a white cat called Snuffles." Tressler admitted.

Harley made a mental note to herself before booing the failed mentalist.

Daniel hit the jet, before muttered a quick sorry.

Jack leaned against the seat, "Wait, let me try one. I can do way better than that."

"Yeah I'm pretty sure Snuffles could do better." Harley muttered, causing Merritt to chuckle.

"Let him do it." Henley insisted.

"Come on give me one more time." Daniel pleaded. "Let's do family. You had an uncle on your mothers side. He had a real kind of masculine name. A real kind of salt of the earth like some kind of Paul. Thompson? Was it Paul?" He trailed off. "Okay you know what. I got nothin."

"Shocker." Harley snorted.

"Nearly though." Tressler smiled.

"Was I?"

"Yeah. My uncles name was Cushman Armitage." He laughed.

"Really? Snuffles and Cushman Armitage? That was your childhood?" Danny muttered.

"I certainly hope tonight's show is gonna be better than this." Tressler raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, because I'll be performing." Harley beamed, eager to prove her ex wrong. Jack gave her a pat on the back, proud of his friend.

"Don't worry." Daniel assured, glancing jealously at the two friends, "Just you wait."


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