Chapter Twelve

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*Tobin's POV*

I woke up in the comforting sheets of the hotel bed with Christen by my side and sighed softly. The sun brightly shone through the blinds we never closed and directly hit my eyes. I got up from bed and trudged to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I remembered about our plans to go eat and go to the beach so I grabbed a couple towels off the rack in the bathroom and put them in a bag. Christen started to emerge from her blanket cocoon and she yawned.

"Wow you're up before me" she said, a hint of tiredness lingering in her voice.

"The sun woke me up" I told her. "We forgot to close the window last night"

"Oh yeah" she said, getting up slowly to meet me in the bathroom. "Getting ready for a date or something?"

"Yeah I met this awesome girl" I joked with her. "We're supposed to grab brunch"

"I wish I could go" she played. "Take me with you"

"Okay. Let's go then" I said, holding her hands in mine.

"Let me get ready, we'll leave at 12:30" Christen said, looking at the clock, giving us about 40 minutes to get ready.

Christen and I got ready within 30 minutes and we both sat on the bed waiting for the other to say they were ready to go.

"Ready?" I finally asked Christen.

"Yeah" she responded, unplugging her phone from her charger.

"Okay we'll get something to eat and then head to the beach" I reminded her.

"Okay I've got everything" she said, following me out the door.

We walked down together and got into my car. The radio started playing as soon as I turned the car on and Christen immediately started to sing along. I admired her while we stopped at a red light and waited until the light turned green. I pulled into the parking lot of a local restaurant that the team usually went to. Christen was still singing and I stopped the car and sang along with her until the song ended. We danced in our seats and exaggerated every move. It felt rewarding to see her smile so brightly at the sight of my terrible singing.

I got out of the car and quickly got to the other side to open the door for her. She stepped out in her casual outfit, black ripped jeans paired with black hi-top converse, and a loose white t-shirt. I was wearing dark loose boyfriend jeans with some sandals and a light grey v-neck. Christen led me to the door and she held it open for me. We got inside and sat in a booth. A waiter came to our seat and asked us if we knew what we wanted to drink and we ordered some coffee and water.

"I actually had something to tell you" Christen said, scaring me a little.

"Is it bad?" I asked uneasily.

"No, no no no it's good actually" Christen said quickly, giving me relief.

"What is it?"

"So Jill told me I was allowed to choose any midfielder to start with me in more games. Jill literally never plays you and you're the most skillful with the ball. It makes zero sense. Anyways she told me she wanted me to have more opportunities with the ball so I told her she needed to start you more" Christen said as a hint of excitement ran through my veins.

"Chris! You got her to do that for me?" I said gleefully.

Jill almost never played me and if she did it was only for 10-20 minutes per game. Knowing that I would get to play more was such great news to me. Playing with Christen was an extra bonus too.

The waiter brought our food and we started to eat. Christen ate some bacon and eggs with a bagel and I ate French toast with waffles. We finished our food and talked about anything and everything.

Soon, we finished our food and ended up talking about Mallory and her amazing career as a young player.

"She's amazing. She's the future and the present of the team" Christen spoke enthusiastically.

"Yeah she's pretty good, not as good as us" I agreed, watching her smile at what I said.

"She will be soon" Christen said hopefully.

"Are you guys ready for a check?" The kind waiter asked us, starting to take our empty plates.

I looked over at Christen who gave me a slight nod.


"Alright I'll be right with you" he said, dismissing himself.

We made some small talk until the waiter came with our check. I insisted that I pay since it was a date and we gathered our stuff and left the restaurant. I opened the door for Christen and I got in the drivers side and started the car.

"Buckle up" I said, while we both secured our seat belts.

I backed out of the parking lot and started to drive to the beach about 15 minutes away.

Christen held my hand close to her thigh and out of instinct I rubbing my thumb against it causing a small gasp to escape Christen's mouth.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I quickly apologized.

"No it's okay" Christen said reassuringly.

Suddenly, a loud honk startled me and when I looked to where it was coming from, I saw a semi truck coming our way.

"Tobin the truck oh my god the truck" I heard Christen say, her hands fidgeting in mine.

It was a green light. I was supposed to be going. I floored it, desperately trying to escape the path of the truck. Christen's grip on my hand got tighter. All I remember is the piercing sound of glass shattering and my body lunging to the side.


Authors note: sorry for this late update I've been so busy :( enjoy this cliffhanger :p

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