Chapter 2

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"Can we end this hell now." I whispered under my breath while having a stare down with the clock, Just five more minutes I thought to my self while mentally preparing for football tryouts. I wonder what the coach will be like, Will he be nice or a total jerk-off? I thought to myself. Well either way I need to be prepared for the best or for the worst. The teacher finished her lecture right when the bell went off. "Finally." I mumbled while pretty much sprinting out the door, taking out a map of the school I make my way to the football team, But since I was looking at the map I didn't see where I was going and walked into a Skyscraper like guy. "Ow." I yelped as my face went directly into the books he was holding. "Are you alright?" He asked his voice boomed through out the hall way. "Yes I am, and sorry I wasn't paying attention." I huffed. "Eh it's alright." He said laughing. "Just be careful next time, I mean you are a pretty scrawny guy you may end up getting hurt." He teased. "Gu- I mean yeah i'm pretty scrawny for a guy." I stated, damn Sam keep your head together I thought to myself giving myself a mental kick in the butt. "Well I got to go." I said over my shoulder as I rushed down the hall towards football tryouts. Gosh I hope I don't run into him I thought to myself while walking towards the group of guy's gathered out on the field. Joining the group of guys I look around to see if i can notice anyone from First hour but there's no one, looking half way down the line I see Mr.Skyscraper walking towards me, cursing under my breath I pull my cap down more in hopes to cover my face. "Please don't notice me." I said under my breath while stepping behind the guy next to me. Just my luck I thought to myself, The guy who thought I was scrawny is here I thought while sighing heavily. I'll just try out then leave as fast as possible, as time went by he didn't notice me until the Coach made his way to me. "Sam!" The coaches voiced echoed around the field. "You're up!" Walking out onto the filed I can tell Mr. Skyscraper noticed me. "Damn coach." I cursed under my breath, Let's do our best I thought to myself while getting into position. Coach blew the whistle and I took off like the wind causing my foot to impact with the football as hard as it could, Looking up I watch the football I just kicked fly right through the goal, Squealing on the inside I turn and see the Coach staring at the goal in complete disbelief, All of the sudden Mr. Skyscraper walked up to me and patted me on the back. "Wait aren't you." stoping in the middle of his sentence he walked back to the Coach and whispered something in his ear. I'm screwed I thought to myself as they made there way over to me. 

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