(6) Tamaki is my host

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"(Y/n) have you picked your favorite host yet?" (Bf/n) asked.

"Yeah I think I would pick Tamaki because he always makes me laugh when he blushes." I answered.

"Do you like like Tamaki?" (Bf/n) asked.

"I don't know." I answered unsure of what I should've said.

"Well I think Tamaki like you because he blushes a lot around you." She said I was shocked and threw a pencil at her.

I blushed at the thought of Tamaki but I didn't know if he liked me back. 'Ugh why does Tamaki keep looking at me its weird, but adorable the way his pruple eyes reflect off the sun light.' 'Ugh why am I thinking of him.'

I turned away from Tamaki. Soon it was time to go to the host club I walked down the hall with (bf/n) all the way to the club.

I walked in and sat next to Tamaki."Hi Tamaki."

"Hi my lovely lady." He said as he kissed my hand.

"Hi is right." Kaoru said from behind me and swooped me in his arms.

"Kaoru why do you get all the fun?" Hikaru said swooping me into his arms.

"Let her go your smothering my pre- I mean (y/n)!" Tamaki yelled as everyone fell silent.

"What was that boss?" They said in unison.

"Your smothering her let her go."

They let me go as they started to walk towards Tamaki. "STOP!" I yelled everyone went quiet.

"No one needs to fight over me." I said to the twins and Tamaki.

I grabbed Tamaki's hand and walked out of the host club.

"Thanks." Tamaki said.

"No need to thank me I didn't want anyone to get hurt so I went and took you away so you wouldn't get hurt. I said with a smile.

"I want to show you something." He said puting me on his back and went inside the rose maze and we sat in the gazebo in the middle of the maze.

"It's pretty." I said as Tamaki put a rose in my hair. I smiled.

Weirdo (Tamaki x reader) Where stories live. Discover now