(10) Tamaki i...

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"(Y/n) are you OK?" Asked Tamaki.

"Yeah I'm fine are you OK?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." He said staring into my eyes as i stared back blushing.

"Tamaki as I was saying earlier." I said making him look at me with concern.

"Yes?" He said taking me away from the rest of the host club so we could talk privately.

"Tamaki i-i l-like you a lot." I said blushing.

"I like you a lot too (y/n)." He said blushing.

He smiled as he blushed a little more. I blushed more too. Tamaki stared into my (e/c) eyes. Tamaki leaned in for a kiss as I kissed him. I smiled as I blushed. "You ok cherry cheeks?" He asked me.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." I answered as he kissed me again.

Haruhi came over smiling. "Are you two a thing?"

Tamaki answered. "Yes."

Haruhi "Yay!" She said and she spun me in circles. I laughed as she let go and I fell to the ground because I was dizzy.

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