Reader~chan in wonderland

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I had another boring day at school and just wanted to read more fanfics on wattpad. I was sitting on my bed reading one of my favorite one shot story collections (sorry if my one shots aren't your fav just go along with it for the story thanks) it was by AliceMare64. I loved reading her stories. I was busy reading that I didn't notice a white rabbit in my room till it hoped on my bed and took my phone away. "HEY GIVE THAT BACK!!" I tried to get my phone but the rabbit hoped away with it out the widow. "HEY GET BACK HERE YOU, YOU LITTLE THIEF!!" I grabbed my jacket and jumped out my window and chased after the rabbit. I ran deep into the woods behind my house and saw the rabbit go into a tunnel that looks like my size if I crawl. I got down on my hands and knees and crawled into the tunnel. "Man it's dark. I can't even tell where I'm goIIIINNNNGGGG!!!!!" I ended up falling down.

After falling for about five minutes I could see light and there where objects all around me. I landed in a chair but soon fell out of it I bounced off a bed and hit a bookshelf. My clothes started to change into a f/c dress that went just above my knees and it had white stockings and black flats. I passed by a mirror and I saw that my hair fell out of its ponytail. I looked similar to Alice form Alice in wonderland but with h/l h/c hair and e/c eyes. I soon ended up at the ground but I was now upside down. I saw the rabbit run off and I got up and ran after it. "HEY RABBIT GIVE ME MY PHONE!!!"

"HEY I SAID-... What the?" I soon ended up in a room full of doors and a curtain. There was a small table in the center of the room. I checked every door and they where all locked. I went to the curtain and saw a very VERY small door. "Hello miss." I jumped back and looked around. "Who said that!?" "Why I did. Down here." I looked down and saw that it was the tiny door talking. "Ok I must have hit my head or something." The door just laughed. "Ok Mr. Door could you please tell me where that little rodent went." "Oh you must be talking about the rabbit well she went right through here." The door opened his.. Keyhole? Mouth? I don't know. And I saw the rabbit running away. "I NEED TO GET THOUGH THERE!" I reached for the nob but the door turned away. "Your too big to get through." "Well what am I suppose to do. Shrink?" The door smiled at me and nodded. "Check the table again it should help.

I looked back at the table and saw a bottle there that I haven't seen before. It had "read me" on it. I looked back at the door and lifted an eyebrow. "Are you trying to poison me or something?" The doors eyes widened and he looked offended. "Do you want to get to the rabbit or not." I rolled my eyes and took a sip of from the bottle. It tasted like Dr.Pepper (it's my favorite drink don't judge) and after I took a sip I started to shrink till I was half the size of the bottle. I smiled and walked over to the door. "Ok now can you let me through." The door shook it's head and I was starting to get mad. "Why not!" "You didn't grab the key. Cause you see I'm locked." I was about ready to hurt something. "Now now calm down. There's a box under the table that should help. The keys on the table."

I walked back to the table and saw a small box on the ground. It had a bunch of different cakes and cookies in size. They all said "eat me" and I took a cookie. I took a bite and instantly started to grow. I grew so large that my head hit the ceiling. I grabbed the key and bottle and drank it. I was the really small size again and unlocked the door.

Once I made it through I saw a lot of crazy things. The trees where dark reds, purples, greens and blues. The grass looked dead and the sky was lime green. "Where am I?" "Why wonderland of course child." I jumped and tooled for the voice. "Up here cutie." I looked up at one of the trees and a boy appeared. He had light brown hair and blue eyes. He also had dark purple cat ears and a tail. "Um excuse me sir have you by chance seen a rabbit run by?" He lifted an eyebrow and looked away from me. Your talking about the little white brat right? Well she went that way." He pointed to a path on my right. "THANKS! Oh and I'm Y/n by the way." He looked at me from the corner of his eye and smiled a little. "Names Laurance. See you around cutie." I felt my cheeks burn up a bit and he laughed and vanished. I walked over to the path and made my way down. After walking for who knows how long I made it to an area with a long table set up for a tea party. "What the?" I looked around and saw three guys at the other end. The one in the middle had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a funny looking suit and a really bit top hat. The guy on his left had black hair and blue eyes. One of his eyes were covered by his hair. He had black rabbit ears and had his mouth covered my a scarf. The guy on the right had brown hair and green eyes. He had on some knight looking armor that he probably made himself and had a sword with him.

"Oh look we have a guest. Would you like to have sown tea miss?" "Garroth there's no more room for any guest." The black haired boy hissed at the blonde boy which I'm guessing is named Garroth. "But there's only three of you and there's-" "I SAID THERES NO ROOM!!" I jumped a bit at how loud he was. "Hehe sorry miss. Ignore Zane he's always like that. Here." The brown haired boy pulled a seat out for me and to thanked him. "I haven't seen you around here before. Are you new by chance?" I smiled a bit and nodded. "Yes I am. A white rabbit took my phone and I ended up falling down a hole and now I'm here. Oh and speaking of which have you seen a white rabbit run through here by chance?" They all looked at each other then the blonde got up. He came back with four tea pots. "ITS TEA TIME!!" I sweatdroped at how he ignored my question and just got tea. "Oh and yes the rabbit went that way. She's a bit of a trouble maker so this isn't the first time it's happened." I got up and thanked them. "Oh and my names y/n." "I'm Garroth, that's Zane and Vlyad. But you can call me Mad Hatter, him The mad Hare and him the dormouse." I smiled and walked off.

I ran as fast as my feet could take me till I made it to where the path split into three parts. "Now where do I go?" "Hello again cutie. Still looking for the rabbit?" I looked up and saw Laurance again. "Yes I kinda got distracted at Mad's place." "Oh you where at his tea party." He didn't seem happy that I went and I don't know why. "I'm just trying to find that rabbit that's all." I glared at him a bit and he just disappeared. "Well your helpful." I rolled my eyes and was debating which path to take. That was till two guys came up behind me. "HELLO!" I screamed and turned around. I saw two boys there. They each had on black jeans, a black and white striped shirt (long sleeve) had dull red suspenders and black shoes on. One had white hair and green eyes while the other had blue hair and blue eyes. "Hello? Um who are you?" They both laughed and held their hands out. "We're the Twiddles." I shook their hands and backed away a bit. "I'm y/n. And again who are you?" "I'm Travis of Twiddle T and that's Dante, twiddle D." I nodded my head like I understood and looked back to the paths. "Have you by chance seen a white rabbit run through here?" "Sorry miss but we haven't." "Oh well thanks-" "It went on the first path on the right." I turned around and saw a guy. He had on jeans that where red on on side and black on the other. He had a black shirt and a red jacket, he had black hair and black eyes. "Oh um thanks. Um.. Who are you?" I glared at me and looked away. "That's Arron also known as Joker." "Joker?" "It's the worst a name to be called in wonderland. I don't remember why he's called that but yah." "Oh I see well I'm y/n-" "I don't care. Go find your stupid rabbit or whatever." He just walked away and I stood there shocked to hear someone talk like that to me or anyone in the matter. "Ignore him he's a jerk sometimes anyways." "Well good luck finding the rabbit y/n. Come on Travis." The two left and I did too.

After walking for about ten minutes I came to a big White Castle. I looked around and saw the rabbit running through the gate. "HEY GET BACK HERE YOU!!" I ran after the rabbit and after I made it through the gate I saw the rabbit turn into a young girl. She had long dirty blonde hair that had some up in a ponytail wrapped in a pink bow she also had white rabbit ears. She was wearing a short white dress, stockings and flats. She just laughed and kept running. I was getting closer to her till she ran up some steps which lead to a thrown. I stopped at the bottom of the steps and looked up. I saw a girl and three guards at the top. The little girl hid behind the thrown and the girl on to looked at me. She had long dirty blonde hair like the kid but had hazel eyes which where more green. While the kid had hazel eyes that where more blue. The girl had on a longer white dress and had a small crown on. The guards all looked similar to each other. One was a boy. He had drown hair and brown eyes, he had on white armor and a sword. The other two where girls. One they both had shoulder length hair. One had brown curly hair and drown eyes while the other had straight dirty blonde hair and green eyes. They had in the same armor as the boy.

"Who are you and what brings you to my castle?" The girl didn't seem much older then me but she seemed quite intimidating. "I-I'm y/n and that brat stole my phone." I pointed the the girl hiding behind the throne. "Peyton come out here now." The little girl came out and handed her my phone. "This is yours?" I nodded my head. She stood up and walked down to me. "I'm sorry for her behavior miss. Here and I'm Princess Rianna. Welcome to wonderland." I took my phone and smiled. "These are my guards. Mitch, Sammy and Jackie." She whispered to me. "There all siblings." I nodded and said hello. "Ok so how do I get back home?" Rianna looked at me confused then realized what I was talking about. "If someone from the outside world comes to wonderland then the only way back is to create a heart."......

A/n: ok this is going to have different branches. Their will be different ending for each of the guys and their will also be a sad ending. Hope you like this idea I had and I'll see you all next time PEACE!!

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