Day 193

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'For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and does not take a bribe.'

Deuteronomy 10:17

How great is our God! How wonderful is his love for us! We are redeemed! We are free! His grace has saved us. I picked this verse because it just tells us how awesome our God is. There is no hidden message behind its words, or way it applies to our lives - nothing like that. It is just the perfect, beautiful truth. This is our God, the God who loves us, the God who cares for us, the God who is miraculous, who is good, who is joy, peace, faultless, unbeatable, mighty, powerful - he is our King and he deserves all the glory.

I'm not going to write lots, because this time I just want us to praise Him for all he is. Give him all that you are, because His love is unfailing, eternal and amazing. So, however you want, just glorify the Lord God Almighty. This is our worship.


You are good, Lord Jesus. You are holy, you are wonderful, you are great. Nothing can stand in your way. Lord, I just give all that I am to you today. Take me as I am, for I am your child and you hold me tight.


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