The Story of Hate and Trust

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"If I whisper something to you, would she know what I say?" Veronica whispers to me, catching me off guard from listening to a mathematician on the projector screen talking about trigonometry.

"What is it?" I ask.

"If I whisper something to you, would she know what I say?" Veronica repeats herself and asks about Tina's supernatural power to hear things from distance, far and near.

"Yeah," I answer her and I listen to a piece of paper rip beside me and check and see if Mr Briarwood heard her too; he didn't, but I guess he knows since he glanced at her before she ripped the paper out and then back at his computer.

"...which is what you call a cosine..." the mathematician rambles on and Veronica places the paper on my legs instead of the table.

They're thinking of pushing you into the chemical they use to make dry ice, so you won't be able to swim out safely and with at least some type of pain on you. Red just wants you, not your family, you so he could try and embarrass you in front of the entire school. Theresa was standing out your door, listening to your conversation and when I caught her and not in plain view, she kept whispering, 'it's dry ice, not electricity you idiot' and then she ran off after your brother left the room. So I know the plan and I'll be there to catch you before it happens.

Hm. My tail end would be fine through any type of water, including chemical mixed, but then there's my human half, I need to tell Dad.

I hand Veronica the paper back, but she hands it over to Jace who wasn't even awake to listen to the video, so Veronica smacks his arm. Jace picks his head up and looks towards Veronica's hand holding the paper and takes the paper, briefly.

(Acadia's POV) The Clinic

Red heels and a diamond necklace? That's pretty, but then there's black heels and the same necklace. Ooh the heels have glitter on it! How much is....a hundred dollars? Well screw that. Hm, this purse looks really nice and only for fifty dollars. Why can't the stupid black heels with sparkles be fifty dollars? I bet they're just knockoffs anyway. Ooh damn...and that's a wedding dress, my wedding dress. Wait, ten thousand dollars?! Awww Mason.

"Hey Mrs Griffin,"

Looking away from the shopping catalog and towards the door, it's Ky standing at the doorway with no papers and no gifts or anything, it's just him and I'm just disgusted and disappointed, so I look back over to the computer.

"What do you want Sabanthia?" I sigh, scrolling down the catalog and not paying attention to him.

"Can I um talk to you?" Ky asks, walking over to my desk and I look at him one more time.

"Why?" I question.

"Look, I just don't want to end up being cool with the son but not the mom and I just have a feeling that you really don't like me," Ky guesses, pulling up a seat from the side of the wall and plants it directly beside me.

"Don't like you? No, actually I hate you but I tolerate you for Jace's sake anyway, so I guess your feelings are almost right," I answer him, turning back to the computer and Ky sighs.

"Why can't you just trust me anymore?" he asks.

"The last time I trusted you, my son came home with broken ribs because you ran away and left him to get trampled down by deer. So you ask me why I don't trust you, think about that and I'm actually shocked that he forgave you through the many times you got him hurt before he is what he is now and that injury made him anorexic for a whole year. I will never trust you the way he does and I don't want to understand why and how. You got lucky you're in this group anyway because you would be with that weird Barry kid instead of us," I say to him.

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