Chapter 1

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There she was with her midnight dark hair flowing down her shoulder, her puffy heart shaped lips in a frown her green eyes roamed the hallway and it looked like she was looking down on everyone

She wasn't a girl to be messed with, even with the aura she gave off you would know, the way she looked at you like she was judging you, she wasn't one to socialize she preferred staying on her own

She was in her own world and she couldn't give a fuck about anyone else

"Dude!"My friend Alec yelled in my ear startling me, I quickly averted my gaze to him who was grinning his brown eyes sparking with mischief as he brushed his blonde hair with his hand and I narrowed my eyes at him, I looked beside him and there was standing my other my bff Kelly there her red hair in a ponytail her lips in a smile as her big brown hazel eyes stared at me and Alec in amusement, she was a stunning girl with the perfect body, beautiful face and even smart she was every guys dream, but not mine I didn't see her in any way than a friend but I couldn't deny the fuck she was hot asf

"Dude every time celeste passes you are always focused on her, don't tell me you Cole Reece is finally in love"Alec jokes and I playfully punch him on the arm

"I am not in love with her, she is just so mysterious to me"I say as I grin at them and Kelly scoffs

"Stay away from Celeste Theodore Cole"Kelly warns and I raise my eyebrow at her

"Why?"I ask confused

"She isn't someone you would want to be around, she's trouble, she's dangerous Cole"Kelly says and me and Alec let out a loud laugh

"Don't you know me Kelly?"I ask as I bend down and stare right at her

"I am danger it self"I say and she pushes my face before scoffing

"As if cole"She says and then the bell rings and me and Alec share a knowing look

"Lemme guess you aren't coming either today, am I right?"Kelly asks an eyebrow raised and Alec smiles sheepishly at her and she let's out a loud sigh

"Have fun"She says as she turns to walk away but stops

"Don't get in trouble"She says before strutting off and my eyes 'mistenkly' shift to her ass

"I know you two are checking me out!"She yells with a laugh

"Hey! Can't blame us we are hormonal teens!"Alec yells back and she just ignores us and continue walking off

Me and Alec head off to our usual spot but we are stopped by one of Alec 'friend'

"Hey Alec"She says while twirling her brown hair as her boobs where in full display

"Oh hey Victoria"He says dryly, she places her hand on his chest and pouts at him

"I missed you, how about we go have a little fun?"She says seductively and Alec immediately smirks

"See you later dude"Alec says before walking off her, that was quick, what happened to bros before hoes? Smh

I continue off to our usual hangout, an empty classroom where we lazied around everyday and sometimes smoke and no one really came around there so lucky us, so imagine my shock when I open the door and notice someone sitting on one of the desk

The girl quickly turns around to face me a cigeratte in her hands, her green eyes widening in shock as she sees me standing there


She quickly throws the cigerrate on the ground before stomping it and attempting to leave but I stop her by grabbing her wrist, she stares at me an eyebrow raised, she looks down at my hand which is on her wrist and back at me, I don't even know why I grabbed her it was instinct

She pulls her hand away and stares at me, as she just stands there her eyes on me

"Yes?"She says with her soothing voice

"You don't have to leave I am not going to report or anything"I explain as I grab a sit and sit down

"You're not? Really?"She asks her gaze on me still watching me

"Why?"She asks as she narrows her eyes at me

"Cause"I say as I bring out a pack of cigerrate from my bag and smirk at her showing her

"Ah..."She says with a smirk before finally sitting

"Mind if I have one, that was my last"She asks as she digs into her bag and grabs a lighter

"Sure"I say and hand one over to her while I place one on my lips and search my bag for a lighter but its no where to be found, fuck.

"Lemme help"She says as she pushes her chair closer to mine and leans in and stares at me for a while before smiling at me, but it wasn't a happy smile it had more of micheviousness in it

She lights my cigarette for me before lighting hers

She takes a long draw before releasing it and blowing out the smoke

"I am Celeste"She introduces her self suddenly and takes another draw

"You?"She asks as she blows out the smoke as she coughs a little

"Cole"I say and she nods

"Cole, such a bad boy name"She jokes and I just chuckle

"Are you one?"She asks and I raise an eyebrow at her confused

"Are my what?"I ask and she groans while she takes a draw out of my cigeratte before releasing the smoke

"A bad boy? You know the mysterious, sexy, great kisser and Good in bed bad boys in stories? Cause I like bad boys"She says with a smirk as she playfully winks at me and I almost choke on my spit but I quickly recover and smirk

"Maybe"I say and she raises and eyebrow

"Prove it, show me how much of a good kisser you are"she says as she leans in her cigeratte in between her fingers and I smile, I lean in and close my eyes shut as I lean in

Instead of feeling her lips on mine,I feel something warm on my face and I could smell the smoke extremely, I open my eyes and see her blowing the smoke in my face

She laughs and it sounds so melodious

"You wish you could"She says standing up, she grabs her bag and walks out but not before turning around to face me

"See you later bad boy" And with that she walks out

Sorry I know this sucked but still give the story a chance
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