Chapter 9: Seeking for Safety

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Xian had Florencio at his side to his right and the other the lamp. The lamp only guides them to most of the safest

way that it could tell. They only rely for it. Xian was totally tired now. It was like two days no proper rest so he ask

Florencio fr any available houses. "Uhmm... Florencio, is there any available houses that we could stay, it would

not be safe in here now,"

Florencio turned to Xian and said, "Yes onii-chan. Follow me." So Florencio walk forward and Xian followed. They

walk forward, straight not turns. Xian saw the destructions of houses caused by the plague and how it was totally

bathe in the darkness. Never been seen it like that totally demolished, it was a kind of a hopeless day.

The two reach the breakgrounds, where houses still stood but they were partially damaged. They walk a metre away

crossing the grounds and they felt by their feet the wet grasses and the mud. It was just a fast walk and Florencio

opened a door with a sign of a dragon swirled. Ever not means that was the leader's or mayor's. Xian drew the lamp

and the light showed the way around.

They were papers scattered, pens broken, lamps flashing, candles on the floor and rats squeking. Florencio ran up

the stairs and glanced to Xian and smiled. Xian followed and Florencio turned back and ran again until he open

another room and Xian ran to that way again he drew the lamp to the room and saw what was inside. There was a

bed, a fading colored floor and some pinned papers.

"Florencio, you can now rest, here is now safe." Xian said. Florencio smiled and nodded and reach the bed and

started to lay down. While Xian, still drewing the lamp from the papers reading unto them. One paper says, it was

like a paper or an essay saying:


.... the plague have been under control. the man missing. lost. unidentified. no sketch. says it was the legendary

- velskud. man responsible for the missing karas' pearl. retrieving the ring to avoid misused. elmor's ring. he was

still missing -elmor smith ... gamma substance after the named -gamma bien. from unknown source. by the use

of that, the forest was cleared on something unexplained radiation. it was been fortune, but berlin could not say.

.... sightings were been said to be saw from the riverwhort wharf and teared tunic with a mark of ;DX-4xy7: it was

been berlin said a model. never been sure. credits for that man or woman for the thing.

es1 hstory project DFC pt. 1 closed- pt. 2 cont. '

"DX-4xy7 huh, might be a something code or password or any whatever. Might be a top secret info I got here may

I should rest now." Xian thought by hisself.

He started to lay and put his sword leaning on the wall while Florencio is at the bed and he on the floor but still

cozy. He started to close his eyes and started to sleep. That day was such a long for him. Never been a day it was

been 2 days no light 2 days full of darkness.

He wanted to survive for many days in the forest.


Maybe guys, the publishing would be terminated for few days because I must focs on studying my lessons.

"My grades are getting low !!!!!! "

Okay, but don't worry! I would try my best to resume it for urgent !! Hey, I almost forgot, read Love Beats made by

my friend. I read it and it was nice! Nicer than mine !! TNX !!

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