Chapter 2

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(Paige's POV)
I can't believe my big sister did that she could have got caught after the show she got me and we went to are hotel room and I flippen lost it on her before I could go on more she held up her finger and walked to the door and the SHEILD, Randy, Becky, and Brie was there Magi let them in and Becky gave her a hug and Dean said, "What you did was crazy cool Magi!" I saw her blush then she did her smirk and I got mad again and started going off then her eyes changed to her neon blue car eyes and I stopped and looked down to the ground.
(Dean's POV)
Paige went quiet and looked down I saw Magi hold her head but I saw her eyes neon blue then brown, Becky cleared her throat and said, "Ok let's get going to the party at the arena everyone is singing tonight so let's go!" We agreed so we go in are car but Magi stayed out and I got out and said, "You ok?" She smiled and said, "Yea I'm just waiting for the vehicle person to bring my baby and I'll be there." I asked her if I could come along with her and she agreed the girls and my brothers' left and finally the guy came with a black batman motorcycle (picture above) and she got on and held a helmet to me and said, "Well get on we can beat them there." She smirked and I returned it with my smirk and got on her helmet had wolf/cat ears on top and she had a matching jacket (picture below) and she told me to hold on tight and she drove off we pasted cars a high speed and we ran 2 red lights but we made it to the arena and she was right we did make it before the others.
(Magi's POV)
I parked my bike and took my helmet off and Dean got off and took my extra off and hand it to me and I locked my stuff up and we waited and my sister and friends showed up and Seth and Roman were shocked I smirked and I said, "Your late for tea!" Paige rolled her eyes and I smiled and we walked into the arena and Big E tackled me into a hug and I laughed then he put me down and said, "Are you singing tonight?!" I rubbed my arm and said, "maybe I'll think about." He smiled and Dean said, "How about we make a deal I'll sing something and after I'm done you sing sounds fair right?" He held out his hand and I thought about it and I shook his hand Big E lead us to the stage and he got every diva and wrestler attention and Dean song "What if I Was Nothing" by All That Remains he was awesome and hot singing he smiled at me after he got off stage and took my seat and I said, "Hey everyone I'll be singing "Make a move" by Icon for Hire hope you like it." I took a deep breath and song.
(Dean's POV)
I watched as Magi song and she was freakin awesome and she winked at me and I felt my heart beat faster and when she was done she went off stage but I saw the Wyatt's and I got Randy, Big E, John Cena and Becky I lead them where I saw Bray sick partners holding Magi and Bray was about to hit Magi but I saw her eyes change to neon blue and Randy ran at Bray and kicked him in the back and Big E punched the sheep twins and John took out the other member of there family, Becky ran and grabbed Magi's hand and dragged her to a locker room I told Randy, John and Big E I would protect the girls and they agreed and I was behind them and Becky pulled me into her locker room and lock the door I stood by the door and Becky sat beside Magi and told her to breath I saw a light blue mist surround Magi but it quickly went away and Magi looked up and said, "thank you both."
(Magi's POV)
I got up but I felled to the ground and Dean ran over and kneed beside me and helped me stand then I said, "you sing great by the way and I owe you one Dean but I want payback on Bray." He smiled and we walked out the doors and I saw Randy about to be hit and clicked my fingers and a blue mist surround him and he was beside us and Bray and he's brothers were shocked I told him, Becky and Dean to disconcert the security cameras and they did then I closed my eyes and they were there true color and I smirked and my nails grew and I said, "Now you made the Cheshire Cat very angry time for the party!" And I disappeared and started fighting them.

" He smiled and we walked out the doors and I saw Randy about to be hit and clicked my fingers and a blue mist surround him and he was beside us and Bray and he's brothers were shocked I told him, Becky and Dean to disconcert the security cameras ...

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