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Maya's Pov

J: "I-i, love you"
M: "I love you too, but why are you crying"
J:  "Tears of joy. I'm just so glad you are okay"
M: "Oh, I'm glad I'm okay too. Cause now I can see your face every day"
J: "I saw your face everyday, but it was very pale and looked lifeless"
M: "Oh"
J: "Need anything"
M: "Food, I'm so hungry"
J: "I'll get you some tacos. Paco's Tacos. "
M: "My favorite"
J: "Be right back"
M: "See ya"

Josh is amazing, he knows what I likes, he's there for me, all for all he is just a great guy. Soon I got snapped out of my thoughts, it was my mom and soon to be step-dad.

K: "Maya, honey"
M: "Sorry lost in thought"
S: "How are you feeling"
M: "I have a slight headache, but nothing too serious"
K: "Why does this stuff keep happening to you"
M: "Mom, I wish I knew so I could stop it."
S: "Well the rest of the Matthews, Farkle, and Lucas want to see you"
M: "Oh, okay"

I was a little confused, but then I heard the door open and a big group of Matthews come in.

T: "How are you feeling"
M: "Fine"
T: "Good"
F: "Hey, Maya I haven't seen you in a while"
M: "Well I was right here in this hospital bed"
F: "I saw you once or twice, the other times your mom and Shawn, Josh, Riley,  or Mr. and Mrs. Matthews were in here. Or I was comforting Riley."
M: "Oh"

Then Josh walks in with the tacos, everyone leaves to go eat lunch.  Josh and I were talking about random things and eating tacos. I had 8 tacos, but it felt like to little, but 9 was too many. I didn't know what to do. Then Josh said

J: "Aren't you gonna eat another one?"
M: "Eight is too little, but nine is too much"
J: "How about you have a half"
M: "A what"
J: "It is half of a number"
M: "What does that have to do with tacos?"
J: "Do you know what fractions are?"
M: "Nope"
J: "I'm going to teach you"
M: "More learning, whyyyy"
J: "Fine just live your life fractionless, I will live mine with fractions"
M: "Okay"
J: "How's the family"
M: "Good, even though you saw them today"
J: "Oh, well"
M: "So how are your parents"
J: "Worried about me"
M: "Why?"
J: "Since you were in a coma, I didn't get much sleep, I was always here in case you ever woke up, I cried 24/7. Without you my life was horrible. I couldn't get you off my mind. I was thinking about you all the time."
M: "If I could've woken up sooner I would have"
J: "I know sometimes its just hard waiting and you start to give up hope"
J: "I'm gonna go and let someome else visit maybe alone."

Josh left I sat there and then there was this sharp pain in my side. I grab it and I feel a warm liquid pouring out of my side. I knew what it was I was bleeding.  Farkle comes through the door and sees my side and yells for a doctor.  I was trying to get it to stop bleeding, before I knew it a doctor rushed in and saw. The doctor was trying to figure out where it came from. The doctor examined it, then put a bandage over it. He went out the door, then Josh came in.

M: "What did he tell you"
J: "I can't say"
M: "Josh!"
J: "I'm sorry Maya I can't"
M: "Fine, then bring Riley in here"

Josh leaves and I see Riley shuffle in. She is putting on one of her
Riley fake smiles. She sits down next to me, grabs my hand and says

R: "You know I can't tell you right"
M: "Tell me what happened"
R: "May-"
M: "Ring Power!"
R: "Maya, don't you think we should give that up"
M: "Riley, what are you saying"
R: "Maya, the doctor said your stitches came undone"
M: "What stitches"
R: "The ones that were, where the bandages are now"
M: "Why did I have stitches though?"
R: "I already told you enough"
M: "Riley, Ring Power"
R: "After you hit your head off the table and floor, someone came in and stabbed you"
M: "Wouldn't it already been healed"
R: "Yeah, but..."
M: "But, what"
R: "Somehow, someone snuck in the hospital, and stabbed you again. In the same spot, a couple nights ago."
M: "Wait, is someone trying to kill me"
R: "The police are on the case since, Josh found you on the floor and called the ambulance"
M: "But, why"
R: "I wish I knew"

After about ten minutes of silence, Riley speaks up and says

R: "Lucas, wants to see you alone, I'll go get him"

I was confused, but then he walks in. He looks depressed, he doesn't look like he has been crying a lot though. He shuffles over to the chair next to my bed and sits in it. He stares at at me, then he says

L: "Hey Maya"

His voice cracked, and he started to stare at his feet. Then I finally spoke up

M: "I'm sorry, but who are you"

A/N How will Lucas react? Is Maya just playing a joke? What will happen to them?

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