Prologue: How It All Came To Be

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P r o l o g u e

It's suffice to say that I was incredibly nervous. It was the day most of my graduating class had been waiting for. It was the day that we were doing the first step of the matching process. The Matching Process is basically like a government funded life partner finder, and it works. Most people are matched and live happily for the rest of their life. The few that don't end up liking their matched can terminate the relationship and create another one with one of the other people who terminated their relationship.

The Matching Process got started because a long time ago in our kingdom there was a shortage in births. People were having a hard time finding life long partners and the population was decreasing. At first people rebelled against the Matching Act, but then when they saw people were with their matched some stopped, until the rebellion of the Matching Act slowly faded away. It seemed to work, births went up and the population did too. Same sex partners weren't required to reproduce but they were allowed surrogacy and adoption. A sexuals that didn't want a romantic relationship found best friends because of the Matching Process and A sexuals that did want a romantic relationship with no sex were matched with someone that didn't want sex either.

It all seemed to work out, except for one thing people didn't really like. The distance between the Monarchs and the Medians was getting even bigger. They hardly saw each other anymore and it seemed like one side of the Kingdom was theirs, and the other was the Medians. The Monarchs lived better and didn't give anybody else the opportunity to live as well as them except for those who worked for them once the wall went up. A wall separating the two castes, two parts of a Kingdom, and it was final. No Monarchs were Matched with any Medians even if they had a better match on the other side of the wall and that angered people.

Medians had friends that were Monarchs that they never saw again. It caused a huge rift in the Kingdom and to make the Medians happy the King at the time decided that they would make the Matching Ceremony multi-caste. The Monarch and Median graduating class would meet their matched at the same ceremony. The King had a part of the wall torn down and in it's place he built a building for the Matching Ceremony.

It did make the Medians and some Monarchs happy. They got to see their friends one last time. Later as time passed it was no longer about friends seeing friends for one last time. Most Monarch and the Median kids didn't ever even see each other anymore. It became something for the adults. Monarch individuals were given information on the graduating class and if they were impressed with any of them they would offer them jobs. If they accepted they would move to the Monarch side of the Kingdom and never be seen again, even by their family. They would also get re-matched. Almost all refused.

Now my story, my story is quite different. In my story all rules are broken and limits are tested and change happens. Get ready for one hell of a story.

My life story.

The Beauty and Her BeastDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora