One: Avyanna

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Oh my gods, this is crazy. I think to myself. Today is the day we're going to start The Matching Process by taking the first step. It's a simple personality test and some simple questions, this time. My brother says that it gets really deep and intense in future questionnaires. They apparently get into some pretty deep stuff, I'm not really sure how true that is.

I'm currently walking towards the rec center where we're all supposed to meet up to take the personality test. I see some other teens that live in my neighborhood walking towards the rec center too. They give me an awkward wave and I awkwardly wave back. They all have at least one friend beside them and I find myself wondering where the hell my friends are? They said they'd meet up with me during the walk there and so far I don't see the-

"Ah!" I scream when I feel two hands land on my shoulders roughly and someone yell out 'boo.' I immediately whirl around and come face to face with one of my best friends. Marcus has a big dumb dopey smile on his face and he laughs his ass off. All I can do is roll my eyes and glare at him and his sister Marissa who's also laughing her ass off.

They're twins and also my two best friends even though they're nothing alike. Marcus is way easy going and likes to joke around. While Marissa is sharp around the edges and quiet.Though they're both attractive with white blond hair and amber eyes that stand out against their white skin. Marissa is small only five feet tall, Marcus likes to say that because she's so small she can only feel one thing at a time and that's why she has such a prickly attitude, she says Marcus should shut the fuck up. While marcus is five feet and eleven inches of pure happiness it seems at times. The only thing they seem to have in common is their love for me and their sexualties. Marcus is gay and Marissa is bi-sexual.

"Haha, very funny Marcus I have no idea how you're not a comedian yet." I deadpan and continue walking, leaving them behind. Marissa quickly catches up and leaves a laughing Marcus behind. "You know you're brothers annoying right.?" I huff as we continue walking further and further away from him.

"I know." Marissa says easily with a slight curl to her lips.

"Hey!" Exclaims Marcus as he catches up to us and slings an arm over my shoulder. "I am not annoying. Don't be mad at me Avy, it makes me sad. Do you want me to be sad?" Marcus asks and makes the world's most effective puppy dog face at me. I just roll my eyes and shrug his arm off my shoulders. "You wound me!" He exclaims and slaps a hand over his heart. I snort.

"Aren't you nervous?" I ask, astounded that he can joke around at a time like this. I can practically feel my heart pumping out of my chest and here he is joking around! I watch as his face turns suddenly serious. He sighs and runs a hand over his face.

"Of course I'm nervous Avy. Don't be stupid." Marcus scoffs with a roll of his eyes. I turn to glare at him at the same time he turns to smirk at me.

"You're annoying." I say, this time to his face. He just beams a smile in my direction. He opens his mouth to say something but before he can we reach the rec center. So instead he just opens the door to the rec center for us. Marissa walks in first, then me, then Marcus.

"Woah." Marcus says as he looks around the crowded lobby of the rec center. There are at least a hundred of us in here. I imagine that since the neighborhoods beside us don't have a rec center they came to this one to fill out with us. The only reason our neighborhood has a rec center is because it used to be a wealthy part of the Median territory before they built the wall.

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