Editor Taharka

452 15 12

Editor Taharka [taharka-okai]

About him

He is an avid writer in the fantasy region. He has a good attention to grammatical syntax, and will always help where he can. He enjoys reading others' work, and he will never put anyone's work down. He has an 'I help you, you help me' attitude to everything.

Genres he will edit

Action, Adventure, General Fiction, Science Fiction, Fantasy


Adding one of his books to your library or a follow.

Additional details

- Will work with at most 3 clients at a time

- Will edit 4 chapters at a given time

- He will not be editing Eroticas

- He is willing to work with clients through email

In order to request this editor, please post the form in the comments section of this page. 


 A message from Editor Taharka: Hello, there! Due to my newly started A-Level studies, editing and/or reviews will take longer than usual. I promise I will let you know, if I have accepted a job, when I expect to finish. Currently, I haven't taken on any challenges due to induction at my college, currently I am sorting my life out. When I am stable, I will take jobs.

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