Prologue: Birth

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Lily P.O.V.

"Push Lily, Push." I groaned and pushed. "Relax." I immediately relaxed and stopped. Looking down at my friend Alice Nightingale-Longbottom. "Ready?" I nodded and she gave the signal to push again. I pushed hard, trying to bring my son into the world. "One more time Lily." I pushed hard once more and felt my son slip from my body. A soft cry pierced the air and Alice gasped. "It's a boy." She smiled softly "You'll need to cast a glamour before James sees him." Alice said "Seems you created him when you had the affair with Severus." I held my breath as I saw my beautiful baby boy. Onyx eyes with flecks of emerald green shone up at me. Soft tufts of inky midnight hair covered his hair. "Alice can you please fill out a birth certificate to arrive to him when he turns 15?" "Sure. Name?" I bit my lip and glanced down at him "Jason. Jason Tobias Torus Snape." "I'll spell a letter to Severus that appears when Jason will turn 15. It'll arrive to him so there is no doubt." "Thank you. Can you cast the glamour charm." "Sure thing Lily. MEDICATUS puero usque ad 15th natalis sui." We shared one more smile before she left to find James. Looking down at the tiny bundle, Messy jet black hair and my emerald green eyes looked back at me. "My love, my son." I smiled at James and held out our newborn child "Meet our son. Harrison James Potter, or Harry for short."

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