Chapter 1: Inheritance

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Harry P.O.V.

I sat on my bed in my room watching the moon rise. Glancing over at my clock, I sighed and slumped down on my pillows. My broken clock beeped once signaling the new day. "Happy birthday Harry." I muttered under my breath just as searing pain flared through my body. I crumpled onto the floor, falling off my bed. Convulsing on the floor, it felt like fire was burning in my veins. A scream tore it's way out of my throat. As quickly as the pain came, it vanished leaving me whimpering and panting on the hardwood floor. "Boy!" My uncle's voice rang through the house as he stormed toward my room. My door was slammed open and my uncle stood framed in the doorway. "What in the devil were you thinking? Waking us up with your freakish screaming. I think you need to be taught another lesson." I lifted my head to look at him and he froze. "Never mind, wouldn't want to damage that pretty face of yours. You can forget about going back to that freakish school. You'll make us a lot of money with your looks and your virgin ass." He laughed cruelly before slamming and locking the door. I slowly let darkness enclose my vision and passed out on the floor. 

I awoke to the sound of footsteps in the house. The steps neared my room and I immediately scrambled backwards. I curled up into a ball as the door opened. Tears clouded my eyes and panic swallowed my mind. "Little brother?" I snapped my head up to see the twins, Charlie, Bill, Voldemort, Snape & Lucius Malfoy in the doorway. "Fred! George!" I flew into their arms feeling the panic slowly dissipate. "C'mon, let's get you out of here." Having the twins on either side of me we stepped towards the stairs. "They're back." Charlie said stopping us before we reached the stairs. "C-Can't we apparate?" I felt myself tremble in fear and immediately someone grabbed my hand and we apparated with a crack. 

Severus P.O.V.

We landed in the entrance hall of Malfoy Manor. "Easy Har." The twins were comforting Harry who seemed to be shaking like a leaf. "I know." He said softly "I just...." "Always feels weird the first time." Charlie laughed ruffling his hair. "Why were you so scared?" I shot Lucius a glance and he shrugged guiltily. Harry froze up "My uncle." He whispered keeping his head turned to Fred's chest. His shoulders lifted as he took a deep breath before he turned to face us. I felt my breath catch at his looks. Onyx eyes flecked with Emerald Green and inky midnight hair much like my own hung to the center of his back. "My uncle was a cruel person. I was going to be thrust into my worst nightmare if you hadn't come." Anger rose within me and I hissed angrily for some reason. "You look different." "Obviously Gred." George rolled his eyes at his brother. "Excuse me for interrupting this interrogation." We all turned to look at Narcissa. "Mr. Potter, you have some papers from Gringotts and Sev, you have a letter." "Alright."

Harry P.O.V.

I accepted the papers from Gringotts and opened them. I had no idea that these papers would change my life forever.

Birth Certificate: (Fake)

Name: Harrison James Potter

Mother: Lily Marie Potter nee Mortimer

Father: James Cameron Potter 

Godfather: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin

Godmother: N/A

Birth Certificate: (Original)  

Name: Jason Tobias Torus Snape

Mother: Lily Marie Mortimer

Father: Severus Tobias Snape

Godfather: Lucius Malfoy, Tom Riddle

Godmother: Narcissa Malfoy

God-brother: Draco


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