29 - lace/FOOLS pt. 1

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29 - lace/FOOLS pt. 1

/featuring lyrics from "Fools" by Troye Sivan/

I am tired of this place, I hope people change

Growing extremely tired of his daily routine... Of practically dragging himself out of bed, to work and home repeatedly Kageyama decides to live a little. He "lives a little" by going somewhere he never thought he would go. A strip club.

I need time to replace what I gave away

By taking the road that was considered proper and "mature" Kageyama earned the approval of his parents and many of his friends. Yet he could feel himself just floating. He could feel himself drifting throughout life without feeling remotely happy or satisfied. Sure he was surviving but he certainly wasn't living. He's been surviving for a long time. So long that he would be happy if he just LIVED for a day.

And my hopes, they are high, I must keep them small

Kageyama isn't entirely sure what he is hoping to get out of his visitint to the strip club. Perhaps he is trying to get a rush of adrenaline... Perhaps he just wants to see fit, graceful bodies. Graceful bodies and graceful people that remind him of the good old days when he played volleyball. Of when he was happy.

Letting his icy gaze shift from one stripper to the next, one in particular catches his attention. One wearing teal lace... The lace has a rose pattern that trails down his arms and legs and is surprisingly thin in key areas. Areas such as his waist and his face.

His perfect face. A face with doll like features.

In those features he finds his past. "Oikawa Tooru," he finds himself whispering. Kageyama wants to know what happened. Why is the talented Oikawa Tooru in a strip club? Why is he performer? As Oikawa's honey colored eyes meet his, he can't help but feel as though Oikawa is thinking the same thing.

Though I try to resist I still want it all

"Soon," Oikawa mouths to him "We'll talk soon."

Kageyama sure as hell hopes they do.

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