I'm Australian now

359 18 12

~Yn PoV~

So Max and I just landed in Australia. Like a hour ago. And Max is really tired. I am not. I slept the entire plane ride. HAHHAHAHAHAHA why am I laughing?

"Maxy lets go out" I said

"I have jet lag go to sleep" He grumbled

"But I'm not tired" I whinned

"Here's the remote. Wake me up in a hour" He said falling asleep

"Aww he's no fun. Lets see here" I said flipping through channels stopping at reruns of Gravity Falls.

Time skip to an hour later

"MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX" I yelled jumping on the bed. "MAX MAX MAX MAX MA-"

"I am awake just be quiet please" He sigh sitting up "You are literally the most annoying alarm clock ever"

"Well no one said let's make an alarm clock with soothing Beethoven music for a reason" I said

"Okays so what are we doing?" He asked

"Dinner. Then I don't know" I said

"Okay lets go"

We went to dinner then walked around for a little bit.

"Hey Max, what would it take to get you to talk in an Australian accent?" I asked

"I'm not doing that" He said

"What if I posted it on Twitter?" I asked

"How is that better?" He said

"What if I get 700 retweets?" I said

"Okay but you can't say what it is for"


I pulled out my phone and tweeted out: '700 retweets and something funny and Australian comes your way'

"You're never gonna get 700" Max said

"Famous last words" I said "Speaking of famous last words guess what the most common phrase said before rattlesnake bites is? 'Hold my beer and watch this?'"

Max faceplamed

We went back to the hotel and I checked my Twitter post. 550 retweets almost there

"I'm tired" Max said

"Hi tired nice to meet you I'm YN" I said giggling

"You are tired too. You just don't know it" He said.

"I am not." I said knowing he was probably right.

"Lay down plweeeeeese" He said giving me puppy dog eyes

"Fine I will." I said laying down. I was asleep in five minutes

I woke up inthe morning to find Max in the shower. Hmmm where is my phone. Aww come on I forgot to charge it.


Hehe this is gonna be funny.

"Good morning sleepy head" Max said coming out of the shower

"Hey Maxy~poo" I said. "Guess what got 1000 retweets?"

"You're kidding." He said

"Nope" I showed him the phone. "Look"

"I am still not doing it" He said


"Nope sorry" He said

"Hey do you remember a uear ago when we went on that drive with Grace and Ross? And I drove up that hill and you and Ross were pussies?" I said

"Where are you going with this?" He said

"And how Grace took a picture of you two? And now that picture is on my phone. Oh look Twitter, maybe I'll just post it" I said

"You're blackmailing me aren't you" He said

"No I am just negotiating with you" I said

"Fine just let me put a shirt on" He said


"Okay you ready?" He asked

I started tge video "Hey It's YN and I promised something funny and Australian and after some persuasion"

"She blackmailed me" Max said

"Shhhhh" I said "I present Aussie Max"

"Hello, Mate and other stereo typical Australian things" He said in an Australian accent. (This is the point in tine where I realize this isn't as funny as it was in my head because you can't here what I am hearing.)

"And I am YN and I'm Australian now" I said in an Australian accent

A/N are stupid
That's why I am writing this

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