My Interview with OmnipotentSadist

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*Beginning of interview

"Hi I'm Ben from Steal This Book,could I by change interview you about S.A.?"

"Yeah,I'm ready."

"Question #1: Where'd you get the inspiration for my secret admirer? The cover.Etc?"

"That's actually a good question. This is a bit embarrassing, but I usually come up with stories while in the shower because I spend wayyy tooo much time in there and my mind tend to wonder into dark places. 'Secret Admirer' was the result of one of those moments, as well as a number of different events that took place in my life during that time. The original draft was written during Christmas and I had planned it as a short Christmas romance novel; Christmas, and 'Secret Santa' presents, nothing more. But of course I didn't start writing it till a while later and by this time I'd developed an obsession with the concept of admiration and stalking. Then a thought occurred to me, 'what if the admirer wasn't as sweet and romantic as they were believed to be?', 'what if it was an obsession instead?' Which was where the plot originated from, I suppose. The rest is history.

The characters were developed as the story went on, they weren't pre-planned. Their traits were inspired by people I knew and alter egos that I was familiar with. They kind of evolved with the story. Haha

Making the cover is usually my favourite thing to do. I always look forward to it. The cover was meticulously chosen for the correct depiction of what the story entailed. To me, the cover is as deceiving as the story itself. It actually has to be my favourite cover so far."

"I just read chapter 23 of My Secret Admirer and I passed out JUST JOKING GOSH

question #2: Why'd you start making boyxboy books instead of romance comedy humor 'regular' books?"

"Hahaha, I hope you didn't hurt yourself. & I'll take that as a compliment. ;)

I've been writing for a very long time and I wrote romance majority of the time, I mean who doesn't like a bit of mushy romance. Hahaha. But I didn't start writing glbt themed stories till late 2011 or early 2012. It all started from my Yaoi obsession a few years back. I'd been so obsessed because the stories were so different and I read so much that I was running out of things to read. This was when I found Wattpad. At first I only used the account to read, but I couldn't really find the kind of stories that I liked/wanted to read. So then I thought that I should create the type of stories that I wanted to read; the kind of stories that appealed to me. I find writing GLBT stories to be very entertaining and it feels fresher than any other genre. As much as I like other genres, GLBT has this hold on me that I can't really explain. It's like creating my own reality."

"Question3 is writing a hobby or something serious?"

"At the moment writing is a hobby. I wouldn't mind if it turned into something more serious, but for now it's an outlet for everything that I keep inside. I write to break from reality. So for the most part it's a hobby. And I quite enjoy it."

"What's your favorite book on wattpad?"


That's a hard question. I've got a few and they always change. Werewolf/mate stories are my favourites this season. But if I had to pick one I'd say 'His majesties' mate' or 'to love is to die' and perhaps 'Love song for a beast'. You can probably sense the theme there. Haha. "

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