"Thats why they don't catch proper crooks "

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It's funny you know .
How everyone can ask her for help
But she can't ask a thing .
It's crazy how much you can wear down someone to the point where they become emotionless .
The need a human has,
A desire
For attention .
No one could hear her cries ,
But she had to hear the others.
No one there to say are you okay ,
But she the one who asks the others .
Death become seemingly just a normal occurrence, she thought maybe hers would too .
No one knew .
Maybe that's what makes serial killers so dangerous .
The secret weapon of normality.
Everyone blamed her ,
For her own life .
If they would have asked once ,
Honey are you okay ?
Maybe she would still be alive.
No one ever blamed themselves .
The selfish need for attention ,
Humans themselves are dangerous .

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