Adopted by the Akatsuki 44

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Sorry for not updating, here's the next chapter, sorry its short, its hard to come up with randomness for this right now

So, about a week later the pizza guy somehow ended up in the lair. I'd thought it was the bounty hunter friend of Kakuzus or that insane friend of Madara that loved the kill people by slapping them to death with cute adorable fluffy innocent kittends but instead it was the pizza delivery guy. I felt bad for Mr. Pizza delivery man So here's what happened. Zetsu got pissed because the guy had the wrong pizza so he ate the guy, then Orochimaru got pisssed because Zetsu had already eated like five of his experiments, so Kabuto did a Summoning Jutsu and for some reaosn that backfired so all these freaky walking unicorns with chainsaws showed up.

Have you people seen the energizer bunny comercial? Yah, he was friends with teddy so he showed up and then just plowed through everyone there.

Somehow Sasuke ended up showing up. Itachi was eating his pizza so he compeltly ignored Sasuke. This was the second time this had happened. Sasuke was very mad. Itachi rolled his eyes and then beat the crap out of sasuke while eating pizza at the same time. Meanine Fatso Weasel ate all the pizza.

"Konan, Weasel ate all the pizza!" I whined.

Konan rolled her eyes and told Pein to deal with it.

"Why me?" Pein whined.

"I'm doing my mascara." Konan replied.

Pein sulked for an hour. "Aren't you going to go deal with Itachi?" He demanded of Konan.

"I'm doing my lipstick." She said.

One hour passed.

"How about now?"

I'm putting on my high heels."




"Applying blush."


"I'm doing my eyeliner."


"I need to know if I should go with dangles or hoop earings."


"I need to make sure my high heels are pointy."

Pein gave up and went to deal with it.

I got bored so I created a Cuteness Cave. I made the interior all my flully toys then draped Konans Mommy Blankie over them, then snuggled wth my blankie. It was warm soft and fluffy in here. I played with the unicorns unitl Mommy said it was bedtime. i pretended to sleep then played with the unicorns when Mommy wasn't looking.

Some random hobo came after me. Uni-the unicorn-turned him into an Evil Kebab and then ate them. i didn't know that Uni ate evil people. Maybe Uni would eat Hidan! Sadly, Hidan was too nasty for Uni. Darn. It would have been fun to see Hidan being eaten by Uni.

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