Ross Says Sorry, and Nicky Regrets

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Ross is online
Nicky is online

Ross: Nicky! Before you leave again, can we talk?

Nicky: ... What do you want, Ross?

Ross: Nicky... I'm sorry alright...

Nicky: ...

Ross: I- I was being a moron...

Ross: I didn't mean to call you stupid, and I didn't mean to tell you to shut up. I was just mad because I didn't like how you saw yourself.

Ross: You're not a nobody, Nicky. You're somebody to me.

Nicky: ...

Nicky: You're right... I got mad because of my self-failures and shit, that I didn't see your point. I didn't see myself from your view. I forgive you, but I just can't forgive myself.

Nicky: I can't change who I am, and who I ended up being. I can't change the fact that I see myself as this, just a failure of a daughter, to parents that barely even take notice of.

Nicky: I'm not smart, beautiful, sexy, or anything that other girls are. I don't have a good sense of humor, I can't sing nor dance. I'm a straight up loser, a failure, a nobody.

Ross: Hey, look. I don't really know you that much, I haven't even met you IRL yet, but... I know you're not stupid, and even if you have a bad sense of humor, I have one too since I laugh at your jokes and you laugh at mine. And I also know you love video games. You are not a loser, or a failure, or a nobody to me. And... You're just unforgettable.

Nicky: Unforgettable? Yeah, well... That's where your wrong. I'm always the last one picked, always the one being left behind, always the one being the first forgotten.

Ross: No, I'll never-

Nicky: Forget me? Pfft. I highly doubt that...

Nicky: Tell me, if I ever stop talking to you, chatting with you and shit, if we ever loose connection, will you still remember me? If years passed and you got busy, had a girlfriend, or a wife and a child, would I still be in your mind? If I die now, and you grow old, would you still remember me at your deathbed, would you be thinking about me as you slowly close your eyes awaiting your painless death?

Ross: I... Erm... Probably?

Nicky: Probably? Seriously? Look, as hard as it is for me to admit... I think I've fallen for you. Through the past days-, weeks that we got to know each other, I somehow keep finding myself hanging on the edge... And one by one, my fingers started to slip off, until I found myself actually falling.

Nicky: Now I understand if you don't feel the same way, if you never want to talk to me again, and if you don't show up at the airport 2 days from now. I guess I'll just let myself hit the ground.

Ross: Nicky I-

Nicky is offline

Ross: -think I feel the same...

Ross: Shit!

Ross: I fucked up! I fucking fucked up...

Ross is offline

Aphmau has turned off invisibility
Alpha has turned off invisibility
2kae has turned off invisibility

Aphmau: Wow...

Alpha: Well that was...

2kae: Something?

Alpha: Yeah, let's stick with that.

Aphmau: I FUCKING SHIP IT!!!!!!!!

Alpha: SAME!!!!!!!!!

2kae: ME TOO!!!!!!!!!

Aphmau: Wait... Who the heck are you?!

2kae: I'm Amelia Walker, Adam Dahlberg's cousin.

Aphmau: Wait, what!?!

Alpha: Yeah, I kinda sorta just met her like yesterday, I think. And now we're sort of friend I guess...

Aphmau: Wut?

2kae: It's complicated! Don't worry about it!

Alpha: Yeah, don't question it Aph...

Aphmau: Well, any friend of my shipping buffy, is always a friend of mine!

Aphmau: *buddy

Alpha: XD

Aphmau: Oh! Jason is callng me, gotta go guys!

Alpha: Bye Aph!

2kae: Yeah, bye!

Aphmau is offline

Alpha: Well, I gotta go too, I still have to meet up with... Someone...

Alpha: Bye Amelia!

2kae: Okay, bye Anna!

Alpha is offline

2kae: Well then, I guess I have nothing else to do...

Cory is online

2kae: Uh...

Cory: Wait, am I in the right chat?

Cory: This is Adam's chat right? You know, Sky?

2kae: Yup! But... I'm the only one that's on right now.

Cory: Oh well, nice to meet you, uh...?

2kae: Amelia. The name's Amelia Walker...

Cory: Okay, nice to meet you then, Amelia.

Cory: I'm Cory.

2kae: Well, that seems sorta obvious because of the name...

Cory: Good point!

Cory: Well, I best be going now Amelia.

Cory: It was nice chatting with you!

Cory: Bye!

2kae: Yeah! I'm about to log off too!

2kae: Until next time I guess?

Cory: Yup! Until next time!

Cory: Bye!

2kae: Bye!

2kae is offline
Cory is offline
Sky is online

Sky: Hello?

Sky: Well then... No one's online...

Sky: I'm logging off!

Sky is offline


Hi again Foreves! Seems like a new ship is beginning to bloom eh?

And speaking of ships... I wanted to know if you guys ship Nicky x Ross? If so, please leave a comment of what their ship name could possibly be... XD

Anyway, I'll leave you guys with that. On the next chapter Adam finally meets Amelia! How will it go? Well that's for me to know and for you to find out!

Now I know Adam is sure to have cousins but what I haven't explained shall be explained in the following chapter.

Anyway! Sorry for sort of ranting back there! I'll just be leaving now! BYE GUYS!!!!

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