More New Friends!!!

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Alpha is online
gamersenpai is online
2kae is online
DiamondDolphin17 is online
Cedrik is online
Predown is online

Alpha: Hey guys! Naomi, that you?

DiamondDolphin17: Yup! Where's Nicky?

2kae: ... *checks who're online*

2kae: Okay! Coast clear!

gamersenpai: Good! Nicky's probably on a date with Ross rn. XD

2kae: Yeah.

DiamondDolphin17: XD

Predown changed DiamondDolphin17's name to Naomi_Chu

Predown: There, much better! :

Cedrik: Preston, that you?

Predown: Noooooooooooo...

Cedrik: I'm sensing sarcasm... XD

Predown: Ahahaha! 😂😂😂

Naomi_Chu: Lol, you two know each other?

2kae: Why does he have the same name as Preston the Danger?

Predown: I'm right here, ya know.

2kae: Yes, but I was asking Naomi.

Naomi_Chu: *shrugs* Idk.

gamersenpai: Lol.

Red is online
Cory is online

Red: Hey girls and guys.

Cory: 'Sup people?

gamersenpai: Hi Red! Hi Cory!

2kae: Hi Cory! Hello Red!

Alpha: Hey guys!

Naomi_Chu: Hi! I'm Naomi!

Cedrik: 'Sup? I'm Cedrik, one of Anna's best boyfriend!

Cedrik: *guyfriends

Predown: And I'm Preston, I'm a friend of Cedrik and Naomi.

Red: ...

Cory: Lol. You have the same name as Preston Danger. XD

Predown: Well, to lessen the confusions, you guys can call me Predown instead.

Cory: Perfect! That just makes things easier!

Preston is online thanks to Red

Preston: What did you want to show me Red?!

Red: I told you! There's a guy in the GC that has the same name as you!

Predown: Hi, the name's Preston, Preston! But to lessen the confusion, you guys can just call me Predown.

Preston is offline to think about life

Red: XD

Red: I knew he'd react like that! XD

Cory: Well, I have to get going guys! I have to film another video!

Red: I have to go too, I have to tell Adam about Naomi, Cedrik, and Preston Predown!

Cory: Bye guys!

Red: Bye!!!

gamersenpai: Bye Red and Cory!

2kae: Bye Cory! Bye Red!

Alpha: Goodbye!

Naomi_Chu: BYEEEEE!!!

Cedrik: G'bye!

Predown: Bye Bye!

Red is offline
Cory is offline

Alpha: Well, us girls have to go too, we still have to finish Cheistmas Shopping!

Alpha: *Christmas

gamersenpai: Yeah, bye guys!

2kae: Bye!!!

Naomi_Chu: Goodbye!

Cedrik: Bye girls!

Predown: Have fun!

Alpha is offline
gamersenpai is offline
2kae is offline
Naomi_Chu is offline

Cedrik: So... You taking Naomi to the Christmas Party?

Predown: Well, I was planning on asking her tonight.

Predown: How 'bout you? You taking Anna?

Cedrik: Well, I asked her this afternoon and she said, "We'll see...", with a huge smile on her face!

Predown: That means there's a 90% chance that she'll come with you! And the other 10% chance that she'll go there earlier than you. XD

Predown: I think...

Cedrik: Well I gotta go dude... I have to look for clothes for the Christmas party.

Predown: Same, I'll wear the sweater that Naomi gave me for the party.

Cedrik is offline
Predown is offline


And that's the end of this episode! Seems like we have two new characters, eh?

I would like to thank DiamondDolphin17 for being a part of my book! She's an awesome person. Check out her account, follow her if you'd like. She, just like gamersenpai wrote really good Shelax books, and I recommend you Shelax shippers out there to check out their accounts for the beautiful Shelax books.

Anyway! Seems like Cedrik is being sent mixed signals by Anna, and Predown is having a hard time confessing his feelings for Naomi?! What will happen next? Find out on the next episode of Tragic Romances with Anonymous!

And with that happy(?) note! I'll be ending this chapter here! Bye guys, until tomorrow!

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