Stay with me. (2DxNoodle)

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I walked down the stairs quietly since it was a little bit after midnight. The house was deadly quiet for once, every one must have been out, at partys or in Murdocs place a bar.

I huffed a sigh as i walked into the dark kitchen and opened the fridge when i heard the front door open. Someone tossed the keys on the counter and flicked the lights on "Noods?"

I waved weakly towards 2D who leaned against the wall. Dark bags were under his dark holes for eyes and his hair was sticking up everywhere, he had a uniform on and a name tag on his left breast pocket.

"Work?" I mumbled. He nodded and grabbed a pill from his pocket then slipped past me and towards the sink for water. "I thought you had today off" I whispered.

He looked up at me "I did 'ut asked 'or today to 'ome in"

"Oh" 2D had two jobs and barely had time to sleep, the band had fallen apart. Russel never came out of his room, Murdoc became even more violent towards 2D, to the point that once he passed out from one blow. Even 2D and I didn't have a good relationship anymore. I always felt lonely, i stayed here because i had no where to go, and no one.

I knew he was saving up money to leave, he was the only one i actually talked to anymore even if the conversations lasted only five minutes. Without him, i will probably go insane.

I knew due to the silence between us he was going to his room to sleep for an hour and then head out to his second job. I bit my lip and looked up at him.

"Are you going to bed?" I asked softly.

'Yea' hun, 'yu get 'ome sleep too" I looked down at my feet when he began walking towards the door behind me.

I couldn't sleep.. i wish he would pay enough attention to know how terrified i was alone.

I twirled around and grabbed his wrist "2D?"

He looked back at me with a shocked look "Yea' love?"

"Can i sleep with you?"

I looked back towards the ground.

"I'm only sleepin' 'or an hour, i dun want to wake ya"

"It's fine" I quickly replyed. 

He smiled weakly "come on"

I know i was nineteen and that being scared was probably ridiculous but i couldn't help the constant fear in the back of my mind whenever i slept alone in that bed.

We made it to his room and he stumbled through the darkness and tore his shirt off.

He slid under the covers and left an empty spot for me next to him. As soon as he hit the mattress i heard his soft snores. Poor 2D.

I buried myself underneath the covers and smiled as all i smelt was 2D, i felt the warmth radiate from his sleeping figure next to me. I scooted more towards his bare back as i pressed my bare cheek on it. I let out a sigh as i felt my eyelids drooping.


I felt warm and i squinted my eyes open to see the top of 2D's head. I scrunched my eyebrows together and looked down. He had his arms tightly wrapped around my waist as his head rested on my chest. I smiled, he looked peaceful. I looked over at the clock and it was only eight in the morning..

My eyes widnened, did he miss work?

I nudged his shoulder "2D?'

He stirred and mumbled random things before looking up at me with sleepy slitted eyes "Yus Love?"

My heart skipped a beat and i felt my cheeks heat up. "Did ypu ever go to work?"

He stayed quiet for a moment until he shot out of bed. He ran straight into his bathroom "I'm gonna take that as a no.." I mumbled.

Stay with me. (2DxNoodle)Where stories live. Discover now