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He strolled out of the bathroom with a grim look on his face.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled.

It is my fault, scratch that, i feel like it's my fault. He let out a sigh as he ran his fingers through his blue hair. " s' fine"

My eyes began to roam his body, lately with the little spare time he had between his jobs he would work out on accasion. Bruises covered his newly formed muscles, no doubt from Murdoc, his sweats hung lossly to his hips and the bags under his eyes seemed to be lighter than before.

I snapped my attention back towards my small fingers. Don't look at him like that.

I looked up and saw him smiling at me "what?" I questioned.

He shrugged and sat at the end of his bed. "Thats the 'est sleep i've 'ad ina while"

"Oh" I mumbled. My cheeks burned up and i let my purple bangs sweep across my eyes without protest.

I heard a small beeping noise and when i looked up he held his phone in his hand.As he read a new message from somebody, his smile was replaced with a thin line.

"I gotta go" He stood up and pulled on a shirt and slipped on a pair of converse. He grabbed the keys to his motorcycle and left without another word.

I felt my lip quiver slightly, i should have known it wouldn't have lasted long. I climbed back under his covers not wanting to lose his scent, not yet. I slipped back into a deep sleep hoping when i woke up i'd see his dented smile shining brightly at me just like he use to.


I groaned and stirred as i whimped my hand off the edge of the bed i hit something hard, and heard a small whimper.

My eyes shot open and i saw 2D rubbing his head with a goofy smile pointed directly at me.


"Hay Noods" He patted my head and sat on the edge of the bed. 

"I 'eard ya weren't feelin well, so i brought ya 'ome breafast!"

He handed me a tray with eggs and toast and a small flower placed next to the small plate of food.

I smiled at his kindness. I know around here it was hard locating a flower with so much color as the one on my tray, he must have gone through some trouble finding this for me.

I turned my tv on and he was about to slip out the door  when i called his attention.

"Stay!" I whimpered.

He smiled brightly at me "Of course luv!"

He burrowed under neath the blanket on my side and peaked his head out staring up at me, i giggled from how cute he was and he talked to me, explaining some scenes of the movie that i didn't quite understand.

Though that was just an escuse. I loved his voice and i remembered always stalling him just to hear him talk some more to me.

After i was done with breakfast my eyes began to shut slightly. I leaned on 2D's shoulder and he curled one of his lanky arms around my shoulder.

"Night Darling" I had slept on his chest all day and he never once bugged me even when he was hungry he had told me, he didn't want to destub me. It warmed my heart.



My eyes opened slowly to see 2D in my face.

"Your home?"

"Ya it's almost nine at night"

I jerked myself up out of bed "Oh" I mumbled.

He kissed my forehead and scooted in next to me "You want me to leave?" I whispered.

He wrapped his arms around me "Nah you help me sleep"

I smiled and relaxed into his embrace.

"Night 2D"

"Night darling"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2013 ⏰

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