Too late

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"It wouldn't be the first time you broke a promise."
He was late. How could you forget a job interview? I was pacing around in my office in my new black high heels. There was no sound in the building, except for the rhythmic click-clack of my shoes on the new wooden floor. It was a Sunday, and there was nobody else except me. Why I'm doing a job interview on a Sunday you may ask? Because I like to focus just on the person and nothing else.

I looked at the old clock sitting on my desk. 10:13. He should have been here at 9:50. Wait. I hear loud steps outside my room. It sounds like someone running in the hallway. What the hell?

I open the wooden door and the person nearly runs into it. Looking around the corner I see a pretty familiar face. "I'm so sorry that I'm late, I promise it will never happen again.", he says without looking up.

"It wouldn't be the first time you broke a promise." His head suddenly jerks up and he's looking at me with a puzzled look. I don't say anything, but he looks me up and down, trying to remember who I am.

Wait, I think he's got it. His blue eyes widen and he takes a step back. "Tara." "Nice to see you too, Spencer." He's clearly still in shock, well I would be too if I was in his position. I'm also a bit surprised to see him again at a job interview. "How long has it been?" He says taking in a sharp breath and trying to smile. "Well, I was 15 and you were 16. Now I'm 27 so I would say 12 years ago." I'm keeping my poker face and that clearly unsettles him.

"I'm sorry."
"A lot has changed since then you know?" I say gesturing around us. "I'm vise president of one of the biggest companies in the state." He gulps. "Well, I see that... Now."

He's so nervous, it kinda makes me happy. I go back into my office and he follows me like a sad dog. Sitting in front of me at my big desk clearly makes him even uncomfortable, but I'm anxious too. It's been a very long time. Thinking about back then I pull the sleeves of my blouse a little bit further over my wrists.

"You know, I'm really sorry about that."
I look at him like he just slapped me in the face. "You're sorry? Well, you shouldn't have broken that fricking promise than! Do you know how fucking hard it was for me to get to where I am now? I still have to hide all my scars!" He sinks back in his chair as my voice gets louder and higher. "Do you know how hard I fought for all of this?" I hit on the table with my fist.

"Don't tell me that you're sorry if you don't even know what happened after you left me." My voice is a whisper now, tears are welling up in my eyes and I can't breath.

"Than tell me."

"Um, Spence"
"Yes babe?"
"I have to show you something."
I put the three pregnancy tests in front of him. All are positive.
"I... I am so sorry."
"You don't have to be honey." He pull me into his arms and kisses my head.
"Do you promise not to leave me?"
"I promise."

Some weeks later I had my first check up and wanted him to go with me, but he never came. I was sitting in the waiting room, looking at all these happy couples in their mid twenties or thirties. I was clearly the youngest, only 15 and clearly nervous cause my boyfriend hadn't showed up yet."Tara Smith?" A nice lady brought me into a small room and shortly after the doctor arrived.

Some hours later I was sitting at the rooftop of some big company. I was crying my eyes out. Twins. And Spencer hadn't picked up after four calls.

Later that day I would learn that he ran away. The police was at our house and wanted to ask me some questions. I just couldn't, so I ran up to my room. After some minutes I hear a soft knock at the door. One of the policewomen comes in.

I tell her everything and she takes my hand. "Do you really wanna do this? Raise them alone?" I didn't knew the answer back then and I still don't know it now. My parents didn't know about anything, and my friends didn't talk to me since me and Spencer got together.

The next Saturday I had made a decision. Sitting in the bathroom with cut open wrists, looking at the old and new scars I just knew it. I couldn't do it anymore. So I jumped. From the fourth floor of a big company.

It was a miracle they said, only lost the twins but saved my life. It wasn't a miracle for me. It was hell.

I had made a decision back then in the bathroom, I wanted to kill all three of us. Because they couldn't live without me and I couldn't live without them and Spencer.

I was two months pregnant, well not anymore, laying in a hospital bed with open cuts, sewed wounds and broken bones. My nightmares were real.

Flashback end
"It took me really long to get everything back together again. And now I'm here, working for the big company where I sat on the roof after the doctors appointment. Where I sat many nights after that, with a razor in my hand and and blood dripping down my wrists. Exactly where I decided to end my life, but I just ended the life of our twins." My tears had dried, but he looked like he could break down any minute. "I'm so sorry." He muttered.

"I am too. And now please leave. You're never going to get this job."

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