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The wind smelled like sea and I could taste the salt on my lips. It was the most comforting feeling in the world for me.

I made my way from the cement road onto the sand which still felt cold under my naked feet. The sun was just beginning to rise, her light shining in deep oranges and reds over the ocean. It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen.

Taking slow steps I made my way towards the end of the low cliff, there were only like 4 meters down so I wasn't scared. With my feet hanging over the edge I sat down and just admired the view.

I loved moments like this, calm with nearly everyone still asleep. Just me and maybe some birds that were beginning their day just like me, waking up at day break.

The school trip pulled on my nerves, it was always way too loud and there was never a second for yourself. Except here. Technically I'm not even allowed to go near the cliff only hundreds of meters from the hotel. But who will notice?

I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what would happen if I got caught, feet dangling over the edge and my finger drawing small pictures into the cold sand. Soon I would have to go back, wait for the others too get ready and then eat breakfast. Then another boring trip with too much noise and not enough personal space.

We weren't allowed to go where we wanted, always had to be in groups and walk in lines. It didn't feel like a class on trip but more like prisoners on a trip.

The quiet always made me feel better, well not always sometimes you just needed voice to not feel completely alone. But it was easier to think, concentrate on what I was feeling and trying to get rid of some of these feelings.

The feeling I got in such situations was far nicer than what I felt at most times. Mostly angst, the whole time. But this, this was something different.

It was a complete inner state of calmness for once I even stopped shaking. At times my mind could even go blank, not the bad kind of blank during panic attacks, no just something very easy feeling.

I was so focused that I didn't notice someone coming up behind me. Their footsteps had been silenced by the sand anyway and with my gaze at the upcoming sun I didn't notice the converse that were suddenly standing next to my hand.

Should I look up and break my gaze?

The person slowly sits down next to me and I can't get myself to look at them. I was feeling some kind of embarrassment but somehow I just couldn't get myself to do it.

It felt like just because they came to this place and found me in this state of mind they could see through me, see every last secret. I was so vulnerable.

"Are you okay?" Came the raspy voice from beside me. I know that voice. It's him. He could be the best and worst person right now.

"Not really. What about you?"

"I don't feel good either."

I finally turn to look at him. He didn't look at me, but rather in the same direction I had been looking. His face is bathed in the light of the upcoming sun, his cheekbones highlighted. How could he look even better in this light.

"You don't want to talk about it either, do you?"

"Not really. It's just too much noise."

"True." He says nodding.

"Why did you come here?"

"Same reason as you probably. It's so calm and quite. And it's such a beautiful view. Especially with you here."

I feel my cheeks redden and quickly look back at the ocean.

"You know they'll be angry."

"Yeah don't go to the cliff, bla bla. They won't notice anyway, do you think?"

"No they won't. Did you know I was here?"

"Only when I saw your silhouette."

"And you recognized me?"

"Of course I did." He says giving me a smirk.

We're silent for a few minutes, the sun isn't bathing us in deep colors anymore, rather light shades of orange and yellow.

"You know you can talk to me if you want?" He says in a serious voice.

"I know." I say, leaning my head onto his shoulder.

And for once, it all felt well.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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