Chapter Eight

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~Chapter Eight~

Fans screamed and the crowd roared and everything around Harry was a blur. He felt dizzy, overwhelmed. And then he felt a warm, strong pair of arms lock around him and the world focused once again. And there were fans watching as Louis hugged Harry tight. 

"I'm so sorry," Louis whispers before pulling back. 

And Harry probably looked horrible, crazy hair and skewed features and bloodshot eyes. But Harry really couldn't find himself giving a fuck as he hugged Louis back tightly and whispered, "I know,".

The girl next to Harry laughed, "Not so much a secret anymore, heh?" 

Fans whispered and had confused looks on their faces as Louis led Harry up to the stage by the hand.

A spotlight finds them and Louis has the decency to blush. 

"Hey sorry for that interruption!" He yells into his mic, "This is one of mu old friends, I haven't seen him in a while, kind of overwhelmed with emotion for a second there." He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly and shrugs as a way of explanation. 

Harry laughs, whispering, "That's the shittiest explanation that I've ever heard." 

"Oh shut it," Louis fires back. 


The concert ended screaming. Everything was so amplified in the atmosphere, the shaking of posers and the screaming of fans as well as the soft hums of the ones trying to sing a long. The boys had let Harry keep on stage, he mostly sat at the back, trading occasional quips with Louis if there was attention called him him. 

And then it was over and Louis was leading Harry away from all the craziness and past the curtains and into a too brightly lit room full of food. 

They face each other, suddenly shy without the few thousand fans screaming. 

"Hey." Harry says. 

"Hey." Louis says 

"I'm so sorry-" Louis blurts right as Harry rushes, "I'm still angry-" 

They both stop short, Louis gestures for Harry to go first. 

"I'm still angry. I trusted you and you know me kind of better than anybody and I'm still kind of trying to wrap my head around the fact that this is who you are, freaking Louis Tomlinson." 

"I'm sorry," Louis pauses, "I wish that I could have told you. I was scared you would be angry because you would think I was lying and I was scared to lose you. Plus it's so much easier to talk to people when they have no idea who you are, you were right about that. And shit, we've been talking for a year and I never expected that, okay? But you've kind of become really important to me." He finishes with a small shrug, "And since I can't really fuck this up anymore, but, Harry, you mean so much to me and I've kind of been falling for you since we met. Shit, we just work so well together and you get all my shit jokes and appreciate me and you're so nice and-" 

"Louis, shut up." And then Harry kisses him. 

"Ahem" They break apart, suddenly realizing that, oh yeah there are like twenty other people here. 

Zayn steps forward, " 'm Zayn, but you already knew that."

"I'm Liam!" Is squeaked from the back. 

Niall glances up from his phone, "Niall." He states before his eyes return back to the screen. 

Harry coughs, "Well, I'm just gonna call my mom." And then he ducks from the room. 

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