Chapter Twenty One

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"C'mon Harry! Lets go inside!" Kate said

"Louis is going to be here soon!" Harry said excitedly, "He said he'd be here tomorrow!"

The girls all exchange a knowing look.

"I can't wait until your reunited Harry!" Olivia says happily

They all hop out the car and walk up the drive way, making small talk as they go. When they reach the door, the girls step back, but not so much that Harry will notice. Harry opens the door and everything is bright. Louis stands in the entrance hallway, smiling at Harry largely and slow music is playing in the background. There is a moment where everything in Harry's world just slows down and all he can see is Louis. The two boys walk towards each other, and its not long before they are chest to chest, staring deeply to each other eyes .

"Surprise," Louis murmurs

"I love you," Harry replies

Louis presses a kiss to Harry's nose, "I love you too. Now, can we start partying?"

Harry grins and nods and they pull apart. The music is turned up loudly to one of The Sun Rises songs and Harry can't help but dancing. The girls join in, laughing at Louis who is making a fool of himself. Zayn and Niall have appeared downstairs and are snogging as they dance to some song only they can hear. Everyone is dancing wildly and jumping and it all rather crazy, but Harry loves it, because Louis is here. And the moment is perfect. Everything is perfect. And then Harry spots Maya, she is sitting in the corner, biting her lip with a smile.

Harry stops dancing, "Lou, what is she doing here?" He asks, face twisting in anger

Louis immendetly stops dancing and looks over at Maya and then turns back to his boyfriend.

"Everyone deserves a second chance. And you know, she did help set up this party. She realizes what she did was wrong, Haz. And she's sorry. And I think that she deserves a second chance, are you willing to give that to her?" Lou asks, tilting Harry's chin so that they are looking straight into each others eyes.

Harry sighs, "I still don't trust her," He says after a pause of silence. 

"I never said you had to. Just don't assume the worst okay?" Louis says

"Yeah, okay," Harry says before smashing his lips onto Louis's

Louis smiles and kisses back instantly. And the it seems that the world around them is gray and all they can feel is each other and everything in the moment is perfect and no one can ruin it.


Maya smiles when she sees Louis and Harry kissing. She can see both of them have a smile on their face and she can see why they belong together. She looks around, many people are making out. Harry's girl friends are all dancing weirdly and laughing. Maya is tempted to go ask to join them, but she decides it wouldn't be the best choice.  

"Whatcha doing hanging out in a corner by yourself?" Someone says suddenly

Maya's head snaps up, Derek is looking down at her, a large smirk on his face.

She flips him off, "Fuck you! You scared the shit outta me!" Maya exclaims

Derek just smiles.

"But I'm glad you came," She says after a moment

"Yeah, well, you have to have someone to hang around, right? I wouldn't want you to get lonely," He says with a shrug, "So I guess the two love birds are good?" He asks, gesturing to Louis and Harry, how are still making out

"Yep," Maya says

"You're not mad?" Derek asks, eyebrow raised

Maya shrugs, "Not really, Harry makes Louis happy. And I think that's all that I ever want Louis to be, happy. And I can't make him as happy as Harry can, so..."

"Well, someone has matured," Derek comments with a chuckle

Maya hits him playfully, "Fuck you!" She mutters

Derek just rolls his eyes, "You wanna dance?" He asks suddenly

"Um...sure," Maya says awkwardly

Derek pulls her up from the chair and swings her to the other side of him. They dance wildly and then a slow song comes on. Maya is going to sit down, but Derek just offers her a hand and with a sigh, she starts to sway. Many people are all slow dancing around her, many making out while they're doing it. Was she leading Derek on right now? Mark had said he liked her, but could he have been pulling a prank or something?

"You smell like smoke," Maya comment, wrinkling her nose

"Its because I smoke," Derek deadpans

"I got that," She says with a laugh

"You're really pretty," Derek says

Maya blushes, "Oh, um thanks," She says

And then the slow song ends and Maya rushes off to go eat, anything to et away from Derek and his comments.


"I love you, Harry," Louis says

"I love you too," Harry replies happily

"Do you think...maybe...we could move to New York when you graduate in a couple weeks?" Louis asks

Harry smiles and hugs Louis tightly, "YES! And we can go out on double dates with Zayn and Niall and Liam will be the awkward fifth wheel and it'll be so fun!!" Harry exclaims excitedly

Louis chuckles, "You can move into my apartment with me and we'll try and get  you into a college in New York," Louis says, hugging Harry tightly

"I can't wait!" Harry whispers into Louis's ear

"Me either," Louis whispers back.


"I think that Larry will last a long time, Zaynie," Niall murmurs, his face lighting up with a smile

"Yeah, do you think we'll last too, Nialler?" Zayn asks

"We better!" Niall says, "I did not fall in love with you for nothing!"

Zayn smiles, "Can I ask you a question?"

Niall furrows his eyebrows but smiles, "Of course!"

Zayn bends down, a small smile on his face as he produces a diamond ring from his pocket, "Nialler, will you marry me?" 

Niall starts to cry, his whole face shining brightly as he takes the ring and slips it on his finger, hugging Zayn tightly

"Yes, yes, yes," He exclaims, clinging to Zayn for dear life as if this is all just a fantasy

"I love you," Zayn says

"I know," Niall replies


I do hope you guys know that this is the last chapter! The last part of this story will be the Epilogue, which will be uploaded some time in this next week! I'm so sad this story is coming to a close, but everything good must end at some point, right? Still sad though! Anyway, comment, follow, and vote pretty please!


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