Chapter 18

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Yaiko's Dream:

Dark....everything...everything was dark..

I felt myself floating in an abyss of darkness. 

My eyes struggled to open.

"Where am I?" I whispered softly. I then jerked up, feeling a cold presence.

"...hate....fill your eyes with hate..." a familiar voice said. I covered my ears, and closed my eyes. I heard a blood-curling scream.

"Sasuke-nii-san?!" I shouted out, opening my eyes. I looked around me, to see him kneeling on the gorund in pain.

"Nii-san!" I shouted, running towards him.

"Nii-san, hang in ther--" I touched his shoulders, and he disappeared into groups of snakes.

"W..what..." I shivered in fear. 

"...hate....fill your eyes with hate..." the same familiar voice talked again. There was a scream again. I covered my eyes.

"Stop, stop, stop!" I continued to shout, trying to block out the sound. Yet, I still heard it.

"Please, stop," my eyes threatened to show tears.

"Yaiko..." a voice responded to me. I slowly looked up, afraid I was going to witness something terrible.

"Yaiko," the voice said again, much clearer. There was light in front of me, a really warm light.

"What do you seek?" the voice asked. I was unsure of myself.

What did I want to seek?

"Come, come to the light," the voice beckoned me. Without realization, my hand went towards the light, towards the alluring voice.

"Yaiko! Wake up, please!" a familiar voice resounded.

"S-Sakura?" I asked aloud.

"No, Yaiko!" the voice seemed urgent, "You must! You must touch this light!" 

"Yaiko! Please, wake up. I beg you...." Sakura's voice seemed to die out.

I was in a problem.

Listen to the voice, or listen to Sakura... 

I closed my eyes.

I made up my mind.


"Yaiko, please wake up!" Sakura's voice rang in my ear. I felt drops of water on my cheek.

"S-Sakura?" I weakly croaked out. I heard her gasp, and she hugged me.

"Yaiko!" she cried out in joy.

".....well at least you know I'm not Sasuke," I teased her, "But, get off me.... I'm still a bit sore..." I looked around my surroundings.

"What happened?" I asked her.

"You, Sasuke-kun, Naruto..." she sniffled. Then, she started bawling.


"T-Take it easy there, Sakura!" I lightly pushed her away. We sat in complete silence. I saw her eyes getting sleepy.

She was awake this whole time, looking after us. 

...You've grown, Sakura.

"Get some sleep, forehead," I teased her, ruffling her hair. She didn't have any comebacks, but she soon fell into a deep sleep. I smiled a bit, before returning to my poker face.

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