Chapter One

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"Oh my goodness! I can't believe your sixteenth birthday is tomorrow! What color dress are you going to where? Blue? Green? No. Red! And you can where black pum-"

"Lissa! would you calm down. I don't even want to turn sixteen yet and I really don't want this dumb party tomorrow either."

"Abby come on! You've been talking about becoming an adult since you were born!"

"Yeah, but. I just want to skip all these years and turn eighteen already. I'm ready to take over for my dad and really prove to him I can do this."

"You know, not everything is about being alpha. You're still a teenage girl and it's time you start acting like it every once and a while."

Lissa was my best friend and pretty we're raised together. Our moms are best friends and her father his my fathers beta.

I'm not ready for a mate. I'm not sure I can handle one. Give him the love and the affection he needs. Give him the feel that I need protection. Or please him in his commands. I was raised to take a command from no one, to protect others, not give love and care when there is business that needs to be taken care of. I wasn't raised to be a mate. I was raised to be a alpha.

"Hey, earth to Gail."

"Huh? What?"

"You back here with me?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You spaced out on me for a second, and you didn't hear my question."

"Just tell me what you said and stop being so emotional."

"Whatever. But I said, are you scared to find your mate?"

Was I scared to find my mate was an understatement. I was beyond it. I was mortified. No, that wouldn't do it justice. No words could describe How I felt. This is the one thing that I was afraid of. A mate. Any femme wolfs dream has always been my worst nightmare. Being scared did no justice for the hell that question brought.

"What? Of course not."


"Today is the day." My mother whispered. "Today is the day my baby becomes a women."

"Mom I haven't been a baby for a while now."

"I know but this time, you really are grown up. You're going to find your mate and someday have a family of your own."

"Woah, woah let's not go writing my life story out now. It's just a first meeting and he might not even be at the party."

He's coming. My wolf sprung to life at the thought of meeting her mate, but she didn't like the way it came about.

"Knock, knock. Can I come in?"

"Hey dad." I said with a small smile.

"Come in honey." My mom softly added.

"Wow. You look so beautiful, so so grown up."

"Aw come on dad you're not going soft on me too are ya?"

"No, but Abigail listen. There's something I need to tell you."

My father only calls me Abigail when someone has died or it has something to do with the pack. He started using his alpha tone so I know it means business.

"I got a call from some friends and I heard the Firey Sky pack was on there way to our land for the party tonight and we're on high alert."

"What? I thought they were down in the southern states somewhere?"

They were but you see-"

"Could you two please not talk about pack business for one day? Please?"

My mom directed her words more towards my father using the tone that always got to his wolf.

"Sorry honey. But business doesn't stop."

"Well tonight it does. Got it?"

"Yes mom."

"Alright honey."

"Good, let's go party."


Walking down the hall to the steps was the scariest thing I've ever done. I can't go down to the party yet because this is my party and I have to have a big introduction to announce my arrival.

"Excuse me, could I have everyone's attention." My fathers voice rang.

Oh my god. It's happening. I'm not ready to meet my mate.

"My wife and I would like to welcome our fellow pack members and the all the others packs into our home tonight to introduce the our daughter into her coming of woman."

I can't do this. I won't do this. I can hide just run back to my room and lock myself away can't I?

"And we present to you, our daughter Ms. Abagail Thomas."

I was hyperventilating by now. How much of the speech had I missed? Before I could go through with my plan everyone had started clapping and was awaiting my arrival. My feet descended down the steps against my will. My wolf eager to find him.

"There she is." My father proudly said.

Stepping down the last few steps I joined hands with my mother as both my parents gave me a kiss on the head.

Giving every unmated wolf a chance to look at me. Find the spark that should ignite, but the flame never came and people were noticing.

"Alright let's get back to the party shall we."

"It's okay honey. He'll show" I didn't have to know who the him my mom was speaking about and I'm glad she didn't push it.

With a small smile playing on her lips she gave me one more kiss to the head and then went to find my father I'm assuming.

Hours had gone by and I still had not found my mate. A countless number of boys had come five feet away from me looking around, but I couldn't catch his scent. I didn't see any boy pushing through everyone trying to get to me. I saw no one looking in lust. They all just turned their noses up found nothing and kept it moving.

My heart sank. I guess I was a little excited to find my mate but I never knew how much I did. My poor wolf had given up long ago. Hadn't said a word, but her helpless whimpers were too much to hide.

"Honey, honey!" My mom came rushing to me. A look of panic plastered on her small face


"It's them. It's the Firey Sky pack. They're here. All of them."

Before I could ask any questions the door swung open and in walked almost a pack twice the size of ours. Of all ages, colors, genders, and sizes.

But between their smug grins and the petrified faces of others one stood out for me, and he knew it too.

"You need to take your pack and leave." My fathers alpha tone demanded.

Jacob was paying no mind to my father, or anyone else for that matter. No one knew what he was staring at or why he was, but his response was the same as mine, and in unison our voices came out barely a whisper, but audible to any wolfs ears.


Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though I didn't! xD I'm too sure if I will be keeping this as the first chapter forever but don't be alarmed not to much will change. Thank you for reading this and I really would like your feedback. This is my first go at something like this and I need all the opions (woah spell check aisle 9) I can get. Anyway, bags of kit kats & coke cola for everyone!




J, Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2014 ⏰

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