Chapter 2

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Nicole's POV~

I was thinking about how I could actually fit in when a plate was placed before me. I looked down and saw it was just my steak. Yumms!!

" are you liking this place so far?" Alex said, scaring the shit outta me.

"Oh um..i-it's good." I said with a mouthful of steak. He chuckled slightly and went back to his food. It wasn't until after he said my name when I realized I was staring at him.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!!" I nervously said, blushing a bit.

"It's okay. You know, we go to school, right?" He asked. I nodded.

"What's the school called?" I asked him. He held his finger up so he could finish chewing his food.

"Northville High-school. Not very exiting." He said. We continued with our meal until Mrs. Berthrone rung a bell.

"Alright, you guys have 1 HOUR to get read for bed. The cleaner-uper people will, well duh, clean up!"

"She calls them cleaner-uper people. They basically clean up after almost every mess." Carter said, making me jump. I didn't know he was right there.

"Sorry to scare you." He said smiling. He ran up the stairs as I followed slowly. I was greeted by the rows of doors in the hall. I haven't even explored, much. I thought to myself. I should look at the doors to see who's is who's.

The order of the doors were Alex, Sophia, Nicole, Carter, Jennifer, Cody, Clarissa, Madison, Samuel, and Alicia. I have a room next to Sophia and Carter. And I just now noticed that. I opened the door and walked into my room, closing the door afterwards. I looked out the window into the night sky.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" A voice said. I did a 180 turn to see Carter standing behind me.

"It's okay, it's only me." He said smiling. I sat down on my bed and forced a smile. He sat down next to me. Oh my god, I am literally screaming inside right now.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded. "Let's play a game."

"What kind of game?" I asked, looking at him.

"A game where we can get to know each other better." He replied.

" go first." I added. He nodded and began.

" whole name is Carter Ollie Stanford..I am favorite colour is blue, I like to play soccer and basketball...." I cut him off.

"You don't have to answer this, but can you talk about your life before that adoption center?" It was quiet for a while until he nodded. "Sure."

"Well, I lived with my mom, dad, and little brother, Jack. I can't tell ya how much they we annoying, but I hella loved 'em. But uhm....when my mom, dad, Jack and I were going to my Aunt's house, someone crashed into us. They apparently drove away. I was about 11 and Jack was about 6. Me and Jack were the only survivors besides the hitter and we were taken here..." he said, a tear dropping down his cheek.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry." I whispered. He shrugged. "It's fine. I don't live in the past anymore. Is it okay if you go?" I nodded.

"Well I too lived with my mom and dad, and I also lived with my little sister Angelina. I remember a fire started somewhere in our house killing my mom and dad. I was 10 and Angelina was 5." I said.

"Oh" Was all he could say. "Well, we better be going to bed. Night." He said leaving my room. I said the same and changed into my pajamas. I turned the light off, slipped under the cold covers, and drifted off to sleep.

Angelina's POV~

When I arrived, there was a lady sitting at the desk. I walked up to her and she saw me.

"Why hello, you must be Angelina. I'm Ms. Barns. Come on in, make yourself at home." She said. Didn't even bother to introduce anyone or show me around, how nice. I slowly walked in with my bags and saw two boys playing a game on the console.

"Hey...I'm Angelina. What are you guys playing?" I asked them. They looked at me, each other, smiled, and back at me.

"Something too hard for an ugly dumb girl like yourself to play." One of the boys said. The other laughed.

"Ya, I doubt you even know how to turn on a controller!! 'Wah, look at me, I'm a dumb wittle girl!" Haha!" The other said, making a mocking voice at the last sentence. I rolled my eyes and turned to go look for my room upstairs.

"At least I'm not a gay fat douchebag..." I muttered under my breath. Before I knew it, they pulled me back downstairs.

"What did you say?" One whispered in my ear.

"I-I uhm...I-I said that I-I'm a gay fat douchebag..." I stuttered back.

"That's what I thought.." They muttered, and threw me back down. I ran upstairs and actually quickly found my room. I threw my bags on the floor and burst out crying. How could they send me here?! This place is a hell hole! I hope I can meet some decent people who will want to be my friend. But, a knock on the door broke my thoughts. I decided to be courageous and I answered it.

At the door was a girl who was about my age, with black hair and blue eyes.

"Hello. I'm Miya. What's wrong?" I motioned her to come in my room as I told her the story.

"Oh I'm sorry. Wanna be friends?" She asked. I nodded.

"My name is Angelina. But you can call me Angi or Lina" I said. I hope she doesn't call me Angel. But she just nodded in response.

"Yeah, people aren't really nice around here. I am the only one who doesn't have friends. Well, I do now, but you know what I mean. Anyway, after a few days, you'll be dying to get adopted. Ms. Barns just let's us do what we want, it's like she can't see us." Miya told me. "Tomorrow will be your first day going to Orangetown Middle-School. It's alright, I guess." She said again.

"Is it alright if you me around or introduce me to people?" I asked out of the blue.

"Oh, yeah, sorry! Follow me." She said, grabbing my wrist pulling me out of 'my room.' We were greeted by a very pretty girl who looked about 13. She had blonde hair, and her clothes looked very expensive.

"Ugh, it's you again, Miya. Who's...this?" She said, pointing to me.

"I'm Angelina. What's-" She interrupted me.

"I'm Jessica. Don't say any more." She said, walking away. I don't like her already.

"Yeah, she's pretty popular and mean." Miya said. I looked into the living room and saw the two boys.

"What are their names?" I asked, nudging Miya pointing to them.

"That's Jonathan and Jack." Jack may be mean, but he's kinda cute.

"Jack what?" I asked.

"Jack Stanford."


OH MY GAWHD I AM SOOOOOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING I DIDN'T KNOW PEOPLE LIKED THIS STORY!!!! I think Think will adopt someone in maybe the next chapter or chapter 4, I don't know. LOve you guys!!


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