How to know if your obsessed with Ninjago

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How to know if your Obsessed with Ninjago.

1. You pretend to be your favorite element.

2. You've begged your mom for a ninja suit.

3. You've tried doing the Triple Tiger Sasha (GUILTY!!)

4. You've told your friends, liking Ninjago or not, about your favorite ninja, why he's your favorite, and your favorite episode.

5. You say, "Were so hooped!"

6. You know these Ninjago quotes. "Theirs not gonna be CAKE!?!?" Cole. "Hello my baby, hello my honey! Hello my right time gal!!! Send me a kiss by a wire!!!" Zane. "Swimming across the entire ocean?! But I didn't bring my floaties..." Jay. "You just got Kaied!" Guess. :)

7. You don't like laughing star-fish.

8. You look up in the sky, to see if you can spot the Bounty.

9. You've tried to learn Spingituzue.

10. You know the whole Ninjago theme song.

11. You argue about your favorite ninja being the best.

12. Four-armed people are awesome, but evil in your eyes.

13. You have at least one Ninjago lego set.

14. When you find awesome pictures of the ninja, you rip it out/print it, and put it on your wall. (I might've done that!)

15. You try to be sneaky all the time, like a ninja.

16. You've dreamed about Ninjago at least once.

17. You've written a comic or book about Ninjago.

18. You call ninja robots Nindroids.

19. You don't like going underground because you think you might run into the serpentines new tomb, find a secret entrance to the underworld, or find some of the stone army.

20. You've read one of the many graphic novels. (So far, theres 8.)

21. You think one headed dragons are babies, waiting for the other elements to combine with them, and mature.

22. You hate green-gooey stuff after the great devour was destroyed.

23. You like The Fold.

24. Video games are awesome. :D

25. Your think Zane is the best robot, after all, he didn't know he was a robot (*cough* Nindroid *Cough*) himself.

26. You've done/tried to watch all the seasons twice. (If ya have Netflix and haven't done this...DO IT!)

27. You've memorized your favorite episode.

28. Your convinced you can time travel.

29. You sometimes call ninjas "Pajama Men.'

30. You have/made a fake weapon. (Swords, Scythes, Exc.)


Thanks for reading! If you said yes to most of these, your obsessed with Ninjago!!

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