Ask Deh Ninja #18; Merry Christmas~! :D

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Me; Welcome back fellow Ninjas! Yes, Jay is now forever a girl. He didn't really think through it though, cause now he and Nya can't be together.

Jay; Oh yeah.....CRAP CRAP CRAP!!!!

@lpslover4 - Jay, how COULD YOU?!?!?! My poor ship....T-T Anyway, dare! You should all dress up for Christmas!

Me; Okay~! Guys, dress up as deers and santa and stuff.

Jay; *crying in corner*

Me; Jay, sorry, but get over it. :T

Jay; I'm never gonna get over it... T-T

Zane; Only a Christmas miracle can save you now.

Kyanna; *appears* HAVE NO WORRYS, I WILL SAVE YOU!!!

Cole; Why are you dressed like Santa?

Kyanna; Because I am Santa!!

Kai; *faceslap*

Kyanna; Anyway.....JAY!!! You have been sorta good this year, so I'LL SAVE YOU FROM YOUR MISERY!!! Santa powers, ACTIVATE!!!

Jay; *no longer girl* OMG, YOUR SO AWESOME!!!

Kyanna; Santa....out!!!! *poofz*

Cole; Darn...

Jay; HA COLE! Thought you would get ride of me that easily? Well, NO!!! >:3

Me; Okay, guys, the dare....?!

Ninja; OH, RIGHT!!!


Kai; Why?

Lloyd; 1# I'm the green ninja. 2# I can eat all the cookies I want.

Kai; :T


Me; Kay guys, what did you dress as?

Lloyd; I'M SANTA!!!

Zane+Jay; Elves!

Cole; Raindeer.

Kai; I'm a candycane -3-

Kyanna; Aw, you so adorble Kai!!


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