Chapter 5: Dirty In A Clean Bathtub

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"Adam, I swear it's not what it looks like." I stuttered.

"How could it not be what it looks like? You're smoking the nastiest drug on earth." Adam said

"Can we just go home?" I asked.

We proceeded to walk home considering it was barely far at all. It was mainly a silent walk, and we didn't even touch once when walking. We opened up the door and Anna looked almost as shocked as I did. She started bawling and ran up and hugged Adam.

"What?! You're alive? H-how?" She cried.

"Well, uh sit down." Adam gestured to the couch infront of the fire.

We say down, and I sat as close to Adam as I could get. Her wrapped his arm around me as he always did.

"You see, I was done. Done with the fame. Done with everyone all up in mine and Maddi's relationship. I took what I heard from the people to heart. I am hurting Maddi. I loved her a ridiculous amount. So much that I couldn't let that happen. So I pretended to die. I realized after hearing how horrible you've been doing that what I did was a huge mistake. I tried and tried to come back for you, but I just couldn't. It pained me to see miss me like that, but also to see you hurt because of me. I was only thinking of you. I just had no idea you were doing...that." He said in disgust.

"Uhm, Anna can you excuse us? We need to talk about this in my room." I said standing up and pulling Adam with me.

Anna nodded for us to leave. We made our way upstairs and I shut the door.

"Adam, what the hell?" I tried to calmly say.

"Me what the hell?! You what the hell!" he defended himself.

"Look, we both messed up..."

"All that matters is that I'm here with you right now in this moment. So nothing else matters."

I slow looked up to him, meeting his gaze. He grinned at me with those perfect rows of whites.

"Adam, do you love me?" I asked.

"Of course I love you darling. I love you more than the tongue can tell. You are the light of my life. My sun, my moon, and stars. Without you, I have no reason for being!" He grabbed me by the waist.

That's when my lips met his for the first time in months which felt like years. Hours with him turn into minutes, seconds without him turn into years. I love this man. Nothing will ever separate us again.

"Promise you won't ever leave me again?" I asked with my nose almost touching his as we held onto each other tight.

"I promise. I even pinky swear!" Adam laughed a bit and held out his pinky.

I accepted his pinky with mine and laughed with him.

"Alright, get in your pajamas, and I will be right back!" He smiled as he took off out my bedroom door.

He didn't even give me time to ask questions, he just left. So I got a pair of pajama pants that I have of his and I changed into them. They went way past my feet, and were way too loose so I had the tie of them on my waist to keep them on. I took off my shirt and didn't even bother putting on a pajama shirt so I just put on Adam's sweat jacket. I just sat down and waited for whatever Adam had in store. I was actually kind of excited, considering all of Adams surprises are quite wonderful. I sat on my bed on my iPhone for what seemed like an hour, but it was probably only about 20 minutes before Adam walked in.

"Your surprise awaits you my princess!" He gestured for me to walk out.

"Why thank you my prince!" I laughed as I took his hand that led me to the bathroom.

"Alright, close your eyes."

I smiled and proceeded to. Adam covered them up because he knows me better. I would peek. As soon as the bath room door was opened, a wonderful smell hit my nose of all my favorite smells.

"Viola!" Adam uncovered my eyes as he looked at me smiling.

I looked around with my eyes aglow. I saw so many wonderful things. I saw a lavender bubble bath with roses on the top. The lights were turned off with only candles as the feint light in the room. My favorite relaxation snack which was home-made popcorn, and my English tea from when I went to England.

"Oh my god Adam, it's perfect!" I hugged him.

"And it's all for you!" He hugged back.

"Well, I certainly can't eat all the popcorn by myself." I smirked.

"Oh don't worry, I will be joining you."

I smiled from excitement, and started to pull up my hair. I didn't want to get my hair wet, considering I wasn't actually taking a bath. As I was pulling up my hair on the corner of my eye, I saw Adam's pants the ground. Next with his shirt. I had my hair pulled up, so it was my turn. I slowly slid off my pants. I was actually a bit nervous. I'm never nervous around Adam, but I haven't done anything, and he hasn't seen me in months. I was always insecure about my body anyway. I pulled off my jacket next, to reveal my full self. I never met contact with Adams gaze, but I knew it was locked on my the whole time.

He was already in the bathtub. I got to where I was sitting infront of him and his legs were on either side of me. My back was against his chest. I felt him brush a few strands off my neck.

"You look beautiful..." He whispered as he planted a kiss on my neck, "just like you have always been."

He began building his kisses to where they got to my hot spot. He was kissing behind my ear passionately. He lightly bit, and sucked my ear lobe. By now I was breathing very heavily. He started breathing in my ear as his hands slid down my body. Giving my boobs a squeeze, then moving on. He slowly made his way down to my thighs brushing me. He was teasing me, and it was working. I let out a slight whimper.

"Adam, please..." I said breathlessly.

He then started slowly rubbing me. He picked up speed fast though. Moans of pleasure and excitement escaped my lips. I felt him hard on against my back. I grabbed his wrist and pushed it down. He finally inserted his fingers in me and it was like he was there all along. Like he never left. I got chills and flashbacks from when we first did this. I turned around and faces him. I grabbed him and started going up and down. He gasped at how surprisingly good it felt. We have never done anything in the bathtub before, so this was all new.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I positioned myself to where he had easy access.

"Adam, now!" I grabbed the back of his neck.

Without hesitation, he thrusted into me hard. At first, it hurt really bad. Like, I almost cried. It kept hurting, but I was so turned on, I learned to ignore it. It felt amazingly good. Water was splashing every where. He was doing all the right things. Thrusting hard, one hand was on my boob, and the other was rubbing me. he was breathing, and moaning into my ear. I was almost screaming at how good it was. After a while, and it didn't take wait her of us long, we were done.

I laid down on him and he wrapped his arms around me. He looked at me and just smiled.

"Whaaaat?" I asked.

"I love you." He simply said.

"I love you too my dear." I replied.

He rubbed my back, and I was fighting back sleep. I couldn't fall asleep in the bath tub.

"So, how about that popcorn?" He laughed and held out the bowl.


Well, there it was dammit. My first actually sex scene. was it good? I don't know I'm scared of people thinking it sucks. That's why I never did it. Ahhh I LOVE you guise, and happy Thanks Giving!

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Twitter: @brother_rufus
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