Round and round we go

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you wake up in the guest room of your uncle's mansion. You stand up and walk around the room. you never had time to properly observe it, since you came in very late at night and tired. you look around at the tall bookshelves, a few books looked out of place, you turn feeling cold from a breeze coming from the open window which caused the curtains to sway. You see a note on top of the desk under the window and walk over to inspect it.

To my wonderful niece,

One of the maids passed away after a small cave in occurred in the basement. I sent home all of the staff for the next 3 days. I apologize if any areas of the house are a mess or uncared for. If you need anything I will be in my study, if you hear strange noises please ignore them and remember that you are safe.

~your favorite uncle Bard

After reading this you think 'that's terrible but what does he mean by strange noises?' you grab a small bag that was on the bed next to the spot you woke up in. Placing the letter in it and pulling the strap around you, you leave the room to find a dark, quiet hallway, you take a look around and begin to walk trying to remember where the study was. You finally find it and knock on the door. you wait but nothing happens so you knock again but something on the other side slams into it causing you to jump and yelp. You grab the doorknob turning it slowly and open the door about an inch. When nothing happens you open the door the entire way and walk into the darkness with your hands out. All of a sudden your leg gives out and you fall. A loud scream sounds out and everything goes numb....

You wake up in the guest room of your uncle's mansion. You sit up and stretch tiredly yawning. You stand up and feel a small headache pounding through your temple. you never had time to examine it, since you were busy catching up with your cousin. you look around at the perfectly organized books on the tall bookshelves. you turn feeling a warm breeze coming from the open window which caused the curtains to move slowly inward. You smile noticing a note on top of a nightstand next to your bed and wonder how you missed it, you walk over to read it.

To my beautiful niece,

I greatly apologize for not waking you up but you looked so peaceful, the staff will not be here today as i wanted to spend the day with you and your cousin. When you wake up I will be in my study, if you hear strange noises please ignore them and remember that you are safe.

~uncle Bard

After reading the note you smile and think 'what does he mean by strange noises?' you leave the note on the nightstand and you leave the room to find a quiet red hallway, you take a look around and begin to walk to what you remember to be where the study was. You go to knock on the door but get an odd sense of deja vu causing you to back away from it. You turn around but hear the door slowly creak open. A gut feeling tells you not to turn around, you feel a sharp pain in your back and warm thick liquid gushes into your throat, you can't tell if the scream was from you or something else.

You wake up in the guest room of your uncle's mansion...

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