The year 4141

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"Come on Jacob, we have to leave". Maria told him.

Jacob gave his mum a blank look. He didn't want to leave. Earth was his home. He had lived there for 15 years. Jacob looked towards his Dad, who was loading up their spaceship.

"I don't want to go". He muttered. Jacob felt warm tears run down his face as he looked round and took in the last glimpse of the planet he called home. He wiped them away with his sleeve. Soon, he, his parents and his little brother, Harry would all be 250 light years away from Earth.

"Meteor inbound". Shouted Harry.

Jacob spun round and looked at Harry, who was looking up at the sky. Jacob looked up and watched the meteor coming closer and closer towards Earth. He caught sight of Harry, who was still rooted to the spot, watching the meteor fall.

"Harry, move out of the way". Cried Jacob. Jacob dived at Harry and pushed him out of the way. Harry fell to the floor. Jacob looked up and saw the meteor heading straight towards him...

"Jacob...Jacob". Jacob felt himself being shaken violently. He awoke and saw Harry looking down at him. Jacob blinked his eyes and sat up. He looked around. He could hear people shouting, children crying and there were flames of fire everywhere.

"Wh... What happened? Asked Jacob.

"The end of the world, Jacob" Harry told him. "That meteor... that one's just the first. There are more heading this way. That's why we have to leave now, Jacob. Earth is being destroyed. We can't stay here. Mum and Dad are in the spaceship; their waiting to go.

Jacob slowly got to his feet and took a last look at his half destroyed house.

"Don't worry, Jacob. We'll find a new home". Said Harry

"It won't be the same though, Harry. I've lived in that house all my life. I hate change. You know that".

Jacob grabbed hold of Harry's hand and gently squeezed it. Harry reached up and put his hand on Jacob's shoulder and pulled him away from the house.

"Come on Jakey, lets not keep Mum and Dad waiting".

Jacob gave a small nod and walked towards the spaceship.

The door creaked open as Jacob opened it. He climbed into the ship.

"Hey Jacob". His dad greeted him with a pleasant smile. Jacob gave a slight smile back and quietly sat down at the back of the spaceship. Harry followed him.

"So, where we off to Dad"? Harry asked.

"Somewhere great. This planet is called Costoid. It has an amazing school, the houses are big and have great garden space. What do you say boys".

"It sounds great, Dad". Harry said, excitedly. He loved adventures and couldn't wait to leave.

Jacob, on the other hand, did not like adventures, he sat quietly in his seat. He didn't want to move school; he liked his school. He thought it was the best school ever.

'What could possibly be good about this school that isn't good at my school'? He thought.

"What do you think, Jacob"? Asked his dad.

Jacob shrugged his shoulders.

"Sounds good". He lied.

He looked directly at the floor. Maria held out her hand and gently held his knee.

"I know you don't want to go Jacob, but we have to". She smiled at him. It was a nice warm smile but it still didn't convince Jacob that this new planet would be the best place to call his new home.

Maria turned away from him and towards the front of the spaceship. 

"What do you think of this new planet, Maria'? Jacob's dad asked.

"Anything's better than Earth, Chris". Maria told him.

Chris smiled at her and punched in the coordinates of planet Costoid into the SpaceNav. Maria looked across at Jacob once more. He was still sat quietly, staring into space. Maria sighed loudly. She turned to Chris. She used her telepathic mind control to tell Chris that she was worried about Jacob. She didn't want to use her voice as Jacob had super-sonic hearing and he would hear what she would say about him. Chris felt sorry for Jacob, but there was nothing he or Maria could do. Earth was being destroyed and they had to leave. Chris turned to Jacob.

"Don't worry Jacob. You're going to enjoy it".

Jacob shrugged his shoulders. 'How can I enjoy it if I've never heard of this planet'. He thought. Jacob looked up and gave a small smile towards his dad. Chris let out a loud sigh. He gave up with Jacob . Clearly his stubbornness and pessimism had got the better of him and he wasn't going to change his mind any time soon. Chris turned back around and started the engine of the spaceship.

The buttons on the dashboard started to flash and beep. The spaceship started to splutter and gave a sudden jolt before it descended down the runway. Within seconds Jacob and his family were in space. Jacob turned around and watched as Earth got smaller and smaller. Tears streamed down his face. "I don't wanna go". He mumbled. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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