chapter 9

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after lunch, school went by sedately, boring me more and more each second i sat in class.

and by the time the last bell rang, amanda was the only thing on my mind. in fact, ever since the little moment we had in that empty classroom this morning, it's like she's been sounding sirens in my head all day.

i push everything to the back of my brain, picking up my pace and rushing outside. i looked left, no amanda. i looked right, her beautiful self is standing and talking to some girl.

"amanda!" i called, sprinting over to her and grabbing her hand, pulling her out of her conversation.

"shawnnn," she groans, "i was making friends."

"that can wait," i say with a smile, guiding her back to my car. she waves her new acquaintance off and gets in. i start the car in a hurry, driving to my house.

"shawn, what the fuck is going on?" she asks, gripping the arm rest tightly.

"we never finished this morning," i say quietly, just wanting to get back to my house.

"oh, wow. those hormones are really kicking you in the head, aren't they?" she smirks. i don't reply, but start watching the road intently, trying not to let my thoughts get to me too much.



we step out of his car and i can see in his eyes he can barely hold his feelings in.

"shawn," i say as he pulls me inside.

"what?" the instant the door clicks closed, his lips were on mine.

"i'll tell you later," i smile, pulling him into a more passionate kiss. his hand places itself on the small of my back, his lips trailing down my neck.

as much as i loved this, i hated the feeling of being "friends with benefits."


"shawn," i whisper, laying my head on his bare chest, listening for his heart beat.

"yes, amanda?"

"we can't keep doing this," i say, my eyes falling to his.

"what do you mean?" he frowns, his body shifting upward into a sitting position.

"i mean i don't want to make out with my best friend for three hours," i said, trying to drop hints.

"hm, well," he breathes, putting his hand on his forehead, "do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"of course i want to," i said with a small laugh, "i promise to be as unproblematic as possible."

"me, too," he smiles, kissing me softly as we fall asleep in each other's arms.

- the next day -

"amanda," i felt a pair of large hands wrap around my legs.

"ugh, what?!" i snap, then realize it's my boyfriend.

"it's time for school," he says then i see him cringe, "ew, i sound like a mom."

i laugh, sitting up afterwards.

"can i just wear a pair of your sweats today?" i ask and he nods, walking over to his dresser and handing me his favorite pair.

"why would you want me to wear these?" i ask, tossing them back.

"because they're the most comfortable ones i have," he throws them back, smiling at me as he walks into the bathroom.

the door closes and i strip from my clothes, pulling the new pair of sweats on. i walk over to his closet and grab an old shirt.

after i found one, i pull my dirty shirt off slowly.

"i forgot m-" i hear his voice back in the room and quickly slide the new shirt on. i look at him after, watching his reaction to what he just saw.

"sorry," he blushes, and my heart rate picks up. he turns on his heels, his feet making soft padding sounds as he walks back into the restroom with whatever he forgot.

i plop on his bed, scrolling through my phone comfortably.


"day two," i groan, grabbing the handle to his door and opening it.

he comes around the front and grabs my hand, leading us to the double doors.

"here ya go," a short blonde hands shawn and i a small slip of paper, her being managing to wink at him in the process.

"back off," i hiss, opening up the small slip.

shark week
rest of this week and all of next. ;)
yes, we know shark week only applies to freshman in most schools, but this year, we thought it'd be a little more fun for the seniors to go for all of the students. have fun ;) and good luck.

"what the fuck?" shawn whispers, grabbing my hand and giving it a tight squeeze.

"lucky for me, i'm already taken," i say, throwing the dumb note in the trash and walking to my locker.

"i don't think that matters to them," shawn says, worry clear in his voice.

i let out an exasperated laugh, "i'll get it through their head somehow. don't worry about it too much, okay? have a good day, see you at lunch," i say, pecking his lips gently. he smiles, giving my hand another gentle squeeze as we part ways.

a/n ok so this is sorta good but not my best but it's a filler so it doesn't matter hehe

xx, char

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