Chapter Eight: Enemies are Rising, and we Iris Message a Witch

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Dancin4evah for correctly answering the last question and for being an awesome follower :D

"What do you mean, he's like me?" I asked the centaur, though I already knew the answer.

"He is half god, and half wizard, just like you, Miss Amber," Chiron answered.

"Sir," George said, "You don't think that this new enemy has any other relation? Like, the same godly parent, Hecate?"

Chiron paused for a moment, thinking over the wizard's question thoroughly. Finally, he answered, "I do not know, Mr..."


"Weasley. He could or could not be related to Amber, but we do know that he is what we can call a demi-wizard, just like her. We haven't seen or heard anything of this enemy, but you can be sure that all the campers of Camp Half-Blood and our Roman equivalent, Camp Jupiter, will be prepared for any attacks and will make sure that all young demigods will be brought in safely by our saytrs. You should warn your world to be on the look out too."

The wizards and witch nodded their agreement. "What about the other part of the first line, 'Past enemies are slowly coming back.'

"Kronos," Annabeth said blankly. Her best friend, Luke Castellan, had been possessed by the Titan lord, but had died a hero fighting and making sure that Kronos couldn't take over the world.

"Gaea," Percy and Jason stated simultaneously. They had been the leaders in the final battle against the Earth goddess.

"Voldemort," Harry, Neville, and I shivered. Voldemort had killed Harry's parents, and one of his followers had killed my father, and a few had Crucioed Neville's parents to insanity.

"But how can they rise again so soon? Kronos was only defeated two years ago, Gaea one year ago, and Voldemort was killed a few days ago. Voldemort is supposed to be dead and Gaea and Kronos shouldn't rise for thousands, possibly not even for millions of years!" all the words rushed out of my mouth.

"All this is true, yes, and I believe it is the doing of this new enemy. He must be helping all our old enemies. If he raises the three most powerful enemies of our two worlds, he will be almost invincible," Chiron said, which made me even more scared. Three enemies that had been almost impossible to defeat plus another one that is exactly like me and could possibly be related to me? Gods of Olympus, we're screwed.

Everyone in the room was a silent for what seemed like forever in my ADHD mind. I broke the silence. "So, George Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Neville, you guys want to talk to Professor McGonagall?"

They nodded. Percy and the rest of the demigods left the room to tell the camp, so it was only the wizards and Chiron left.

"C'mon guys," I said. They followed me outside and onto the porch. There were shafts of sunlight on the wooden boards. I pulled my wand out of my shorts. "Aguamenti," I said, water coming out of the tip of the wand. I pointed it at the sunlight, and it created a mist. I pulled a golden drachma out of my shorts pocket. I tossed it into the mist and said, "O' Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering! Show me Minerva McGonagall, at Hogwarts in England."

"What the bloody hell is that?" Ron asked, bewildered.

"Relax, it's how us demigods communicate and how else are we going to contact McGonagall? We can't use phones here!" that shut him up.

In the mist appeared an office. On the walls, were moving portraits of past Hogwarts headmasters. Talking to one of them with jolly eyes and a long white beard, Albus Dumbledore, was Professor McGongall, who was the new Headmistress.

"Professor McGongall?" I called out to her. She turned. She was an old woman, with her hair pulled back in a tight bun.

"Oh! You children almost gave me a heart attack!" she said.

"How is the rebuilding of Hogwarts coming?" I asked. I shouldn't come out with it right away, she might freak out and really have a heart attack.

"Oh, it is fine. We have the oldest students and former students like you rebuilding with some Ministry officials."

I took a deep breath. "Professor, tell all the students, parents, and the Ministry of Magic. Voldemort is coming back, and he's going to be stronger than ever before."

A/N: I just love doing cliffys in this story >:) I noticed I'm going SUPER slow with this story, so I'm planning for some action in the next chapter. Or at least something EXCITING. This story has been BORING so far. Sorry about that.

Sorry for not updating this past weekend, I was busy and when I was done I was tired. But luckily I'm off this whole week for Thanksgiving break. I might be busy tonight so there will probably be no more updates today.


In the external link is a picture that totally describes me. Vote, comment, follow? Love all of them! Happy early Thanksgiving! Today is also a special day for my family so that's why I might be busy tonight. Bye!

Question: What was the name of the six headed monster in The Sea of Monsters?

Quote: "So your brother is a winged horse. But you're also my half brother, which means all the flying horses in the world are my...You know what? Lets' forget it."

-Percy Jackson

-The Mark of Athena

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