Chapter Ten: My Mother Shows Me My Possible Future

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Dancin4evah for helping me write a good portion of the last chapter and for being an awesome follower!

It took me a long time to fall asleep. I laid in my top bunk bed that I was sharing with Hermione. I could hear her lightly snoring from below, but I was wide awake, thinking about what had just happened a half hour ago.

All twelve demigods and wizards had appointed me leader of this quest. Me. When almost all of them had plenty more experience than me. I still couldn't believe it. George's words had reassured me a little bit, but I still had my doubts. I could lead this quest to ruin and all of my friends could die if I made one little mistake. And there was the threat our rising enemies and their army. Why did I accept this position? I'm going to make us fail.

My eyes finally drooped and I fell asleep. Then my eyes opened and I was in a courtyard and there was a thick mist surrounding me. Suddenly, the pale figure of a woman appeared. She was dressed in dark, swishing robes and was holding twin torches. A dog and a polecat played at her feet. There was an aura around her that made me sure that she was a goddess. Then it came to me, and I recognized her. This mysterious woman was my mother, Hecate, goddess of magic and crossroads.

"Welcome, my daughter," she said warmly, "I am very proud of you."

"Y-Your my mother, Hecate," I stuttered. I was shocked; I had never met my mother before, and she had never shown much interest in me.

"Yes, Amber. I am your mother. I know I have never met you before, but now I want to wish you luck as the leader of this important quest. And I'm here to offer you my help."

"What do you mean, help?" I asked warily.

I knew my mother was the goddess of crossroads, and when she gave heroes choices, they sometimes led to death, or a terrible fate. I knew that the she-dog and polecat at her sandaled feet had once been her enemies. I was glad to have finally met my mother, but I was very intimidated and just the tiniest bit scared of what she might do.

"I am here to give you several glimpses of what might happen in the future. They will help you succeed in your quest, knowing what will happen, and you may be able to prevent some things."

That made me terrified of what she might show me. I was unprepared.

My mother waved her hands and suddenly there were three misty images surrounding me. The first showed me and George holding hands, smiling and happy. It must have been after the war. The second showed Hogwarts, Camp Half-Blood, and Camp Jupiter being blown to bits, nothing but crumbling rubble, and crushing everyone inside. The final showed me my most horrific nightmare. Voldemort pointing his wand at George, while I was tied up and gagged, defenseless and unable to help him, Voldemort saying the killing curse, and me watching the lights leave my boyfriend's eyes.

"W-Which of those is going to come true?" I asked shakily. I couldn't bear the thought that George, my love, might die.

"I don't know for sure. I control crossroads, not the Fates. But I can tell you this: You can't prevent the future, but if you work hard and fight hard, you will achieve your goal, save your friends, and defeat our enemies rising."

I nodded in understanding, though I was still terrified about what was to come. None of the pressure from earlier that night had been taken off my shoulders, and a heck lot more had just been put on. I could lead this quest to ruin before we even got close to accomplishing our goal. Or George could die, leaving me back here alone in the world that was about to be destroyed. I had to do everything I could to prevent that from happening, and to make sure that the first image happened.

My mother walked towards me. "Good luck, my daughter. I wish you well on your quest," she said. Then she did the thing that I least expected. She hugged me. Not an awkward one-armed hug, but a special one that only a mother and a daughter have. I was surprised at first, but then I hugged her back. And she said something else that I also did not expect. "And tell that red-headed Weasley boy that if he hurts my daughter, he'll be incinerated by me."

Before I could reply to my mother about how I've known George for years and that he'd never hurt me and how he'd sacrifice himself so nothing else could hurt me, the connection was broken. I was shaken awake by Hermione who looked like she was having a panic attack. "What's wrong Hermione?!" I asked.

"Listen," she whispered.

I stayed silent and listened. Suddenly, there were several loud thumps from above deck, and an alarm call started coming through the loudspeaker in our room. I knew what it was. It was the monster attack alarm. There were monsters attacking the ship, Gaea and Kronos's minions.

"C'mon!" I told Hermione, pulling on the first pair of clothes I could find, which was a green tank top and some jean shorts with my tennis shoes. I grabbed my bow and arrows and I tucked my wand into my pocket. I raced out of the cabin with Hermione right on my heels, and ran up the stairs with her to see my friends on the deck fighting for their lives against an army of monsters.

A/N: EXAMS ARE OVER AND I'M RELIEVED OF MY SUFFERING! I did pretty well on them, won a competition, almost talked to my crush, got some of the best news I've ever gotten yesterday, and a bunch of other stuff happened over these past 3 week I've been away! So, how have y'all been doing?

Okay, so down to business! I've decided to do a writing contest for this story! Anyone can enter, and when you have written your chapter, you must send it to me in a Private Message. So here are the the rules:

-It has to be about the monster attack, with the monster attack in it, and who gets injured after

-It can be in any of the thirteen demigods' or wizards' point of views, but only one of them

-There can't be a new character brought in, unless it's a monster

-It has to be a decent length, at least 800 words like all my chapters are

-Please give it a name like Chapter Eleven: The Monster Attack

-Please edit as much as you can, make sure there aren't any grammatical mistakes

-None of the thirteen can die, only be injured

-No cussing or bad stuff

-You have to be okay with the fact that if I choose your chapter I might edit it a little bit

I'm probably forgetting something but oh well! The person who's chapter I pick will get the dedication! I won't choose someone's chapter because they're someone I know or because they're a good follower! I will choose because of good quality! I won't say who's chapter won until I post! I won't except any entries after next Saturday! Good luck to all participants!

Quote: "This is a PEN!"

-Percy Jackson

-The Lightning Thief

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