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Part 1 - one month later...

His boy really did have a fine chunky ass. Very pale. Very smooth. A smattering of freckles. A real WASP ass. It filled out his jeans so nicely. But of course it was best viewed in all it's splendor, fully naked, framed by the lovely picture window that afforded them a glorious view of the ocean, shimmering in the early morning sunlight.

Kevin lifted himself quietly out of their heavenly warm cocoon of a bed and padded quietly to join Patrick at the window. He ran a hand up Patrick's back and into his hair, leaning in to kiss the top of his shoulder and nuzzle his face into that special spot in the crook of his neck that seemed to house the essence of Patrick. Dried sex sweat, kissing spit, a stray drop of cum and a dash of Patrick Murray pheromones. The best fucking scent in the world. Kevin took in lungfuls of it as Patrick bent his head to give him easier access. He twisted his head round eventually to put soft gentle kisses on Kevin's face, and Kevin grinned, ridiculously content to just stand there even though it was a stupidly early time to be awake and a small part of him just wanted to drag Patrick back to bed and cuddle them both to sleep.

'You're awake.' Patrick whispered, pulling his head back to focus on Kevin's eyes. 'You've missed the sunrise though. It was amazing. I took like a hundred pictures. This view is fucking unbelievable. I think they gave us the best room in the house which is just so sweet. Bethany totally loves me. And her parents too. Jesus fuck are they loaded. This house is like nothing I've seen before. It makes Lynn's place on the Russian River look like a shack.' Patrick had turned back to gaze out the window as he rambled on, leaning back in Kevin's arms.

The view really was spectacular. Both inside and out. Standing there with his chin on Patrick's shoulder, his arms around the warm, thoroughly fucked body that he had spent last night playing with and delighting in, Kevin let his mind take in the splendor that was the mighty Atlantic Ocean lapping at the outrageously exclusive Hamptons beach they were staying on. A totally unobstructed view out of a huge curved picture window that must have cost a fortune to custom build and install. Money well spent.

They could see for ever up and down the beach. And they were so close to the sand. Literally steps away. Which meant of course that anyone walking by on the beach for a romantic stroll, like, say Owen, Bethany, her parents, her sister, any of the other Hamptonites that rented or owned summer homes out here, would be getting an eye full of his majesty's and his majesty's loyal servant's Crown Jewels right about now.

'What the fuck are you doing standing here naked at the window.' Kevin croaked, his voice rough from too much alcohol consumption, too much weed, too much sex and not enough sleep.

'You're naked too.'

Kevin yawned.

'We should put some shorts on.'

'I thought you didn't care if people could see you through windows.' Patrick laughed.

'That was in San Francisco. If you're looking through people's windows in the gayest city in the world, you deserve any trauma you suffer. This is the Hamptons. There are families trying to enjoy their summer here.' Kevin justified himself, sleepily.

'Right. We wouldn't want little Jimmy and little Amanda having to ask mummy and daddy what those two funny men are doing with their dangly bits, over there in the window.'

Kevin winced.

I didn't realize the cast of Mary Poppins was visiting the Hamptons this summer.'

'Oh come on!' Patrick exclaimed. 'My accent is NOT that bad. I really got the vowels good this time.'

'Keep practicing. Or rather...don't.'

'You sound just as ridiculous when you try to speak with an American accent. You sound like a fucking hillbilly.' Patrick retorted.

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