The Lake

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When Felix peeled opened his eyes, he stared right into his own reflection.

     His vibrant complexion shimmered before him like smooth glass, portraying and emphasizing every bit of his features. Dazed curiosity flared within him, drawing him closer. Before he could crouch down to touch the mirror, Eva's command halted him.

     "No." She seized him by his shoulder, tugging him back. Her touch sent a swarm of numb tingles to scatter across his arm. The chameleon on her shoulder flicked its tongue out. "Not yet."

     "What-" Before the boy could finish his sentence, Eva supplied him with an explanation.

     "Spirit, this is the Lake of Harmony."

     As Felix staggered back several steps, he took in the astounding scenery before him. A thick mass of fog filtered the atmosphere, resembling puffy swabs of clouds that surrounded him and Eva. A gigantic pool of colorless water was laid out in front of him, flashing his crystal clear reflection. He had mistaken the body of water as a mirror due to its supernatural clarity. The waters inside the lake were placid, not rippling or stirring with movement in the slightest.

     "What am I doing here?" Felix asked.

     "You are in the realm of Heaven. However, only I, as a reaper, have entrance to this special room. If you completely submerge yourself in the Lake of Harmony, doing so will grant you with the abilities of an angel." She cast a glance over to him. "Are you ready?"

     Felix nodded, his face hardening. "I'm ready."

     "Then enter the waters," Eva commanded, her voice resonating throughout the room. Hesitantly, Felix dipped a toe into the shimmering lake. A scorching sensation traveled up his foot, as if he had stomped on a flame. Startled, he recoiled back with a girlish yelp.

     "It's hot!" he exclaimed. Making contact with the water felt like brushing against lava.

     "You must go in, spirit." Eva's voice rang with impatience. "If you won't, then this ceremony will be canceled, and you will be revoked of this rare opportunity as a unique soul. I know this situation may be difficult for you at the moment, but once you conquer your fears and dunk yourself, then you will have the powers to guide yourself through the light."

     Felix didn't understand the words spewing from her mouth, but he nodded as if he understood. "Okay." A pause. "I'm sorry, it might take me a while to enter the water completely, and I'm still-"

     Eva let out an exasperated sigh. "For God's sake, let me help you." Before the boy could question what the reaper meant by that, Eva raised both of her hands up.

     And then she shoved him into the lake.

     Felix's crashed with a clamorous splash. His everywhere burned, reminding him of the house fire that had caused his death in the first place.

     A scorching pain clawed his shoulder blades as he let out a sore scream. Before he realized it, he had resurfaced into the foggy atmosphere, gasping for breath. He was hovering over the lake, his feet dangling in the air. With his eyes cast onto the rippling surface of the lake, his eyes went wide after staring back at his reflection. Silver wings jutted out from his back, supporting him.

     "I-I have wings!" Felix exclaimed, his voice rising. Shock numbed his nerves as he drifted down to the cloudy ground.

     "You're an angel now," Eva responded, watching him land. "What did you expect?" The chameleon on her shoulder turned silver to match Felix's wing color. "Now that you are, I will assign you the role of an angel in the Underworld. You are to work alongside other deities in order to maintain peace in Heaven. Also," she paused, "I will assign you another role. You will now be granted the title of Rebecca Phasire's guardian angel. You are to check on her well-being every now and then as you revisit the mortal world."

     At the mention of his sister's name, Felix's knees buckled over, sinking to the cloudy ground. His wings folded in on themselves as he bent down in a bow. A tear escaped his right eye, sliding down his cheek. "Thank you," he whispered, choking out his note of gratitude. "Thank you so much."

     "Your desire was to see her again, and now you will." Eva gestured for him to rise. "Come now. Follow me, dear angel. We have much to do."

     Felix smiled. "Okay."

     And with that, he followed the red reaper.

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