Myself And My Battle on Oz

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(Y/n POV)

School school school, where should I start with that, I can't believe I have to leave the comfort of my home again, I just want to play Oz all day per usual, which Is fine with me but my parents just hate that I don't do go out with my friends, trust me I love em before the incidents, they weren't really my friends to begin with, would u call friends people who steal money from u, leave u for someone else, and even abandoned u? Yeah, some friends I had.I liked the way I was before when I was social and fun and just stood out to everyone and just made a lot of friends.But I messed up on the way by being careless on what kind of friends I had, which explains to why I've changed and have gone very careful of everyone.

I couldn't let myself be controlled all over again, soon enough I lost all my friends b/c they left me as well, they were actually a bad group to be with.But, feel a lot better ever since I got stronger on Oz and just stopped talking to those friends, I felt really relieved that I didn't have to trouble with people I couldn't trust, my trust got broken and It was hard to trust again.That's why I trapped myself from the world, from humanity, I didn't want to deal with them, I love my kind and loving and loving parents and my whole family still but I'm just not that social anymore.I've become more cautious and with my surroundings and social life, but enough about this, I want just play Oz all day before tomorrow, school........

~1 hour later~ 

I had my full concentration on this avatar, he was pretty tall for size but It's nothing I went through that's new.I'm a Fox, an orange on to be exact, I wore bandages around my non-existing chest with a no sleeve ripped up light green jacket, black fingerless gloves that went up to my wrists and had a rectangular shape cut out of It at the top of my hand, purple jeggings  that reached a bit past my knees and hand two white lines on each side, and I had black hair that stopped at the end of my face with It cut with my hair long to my chin at the front then It got shorter and shorter at the end and I had bangs that covered some of my face, I let my ears pop out that were orange just like my fur but had white at the tips b/c yolo right? On my ears were two sapphire earrings on each ear at the top side of It close to the corner of my ear, for shoes I had these space like converse that were a bit higher but not exactly knee high, I also had a six pack which I just showed out b/c I didn't really care to cover It, but the part I liked best on my avatar were my eyes, they were these dark brown eyes that were fierce and ready to fight, they wanted battles, they had strength in them, they even showed a tint of red in them, my avatar was named "BigDamnHero" It just felt right, I was pretty protective of people in Oz and fought many times In real life, but that's another story for later.

Now back to the fight, as I fought I finally just round house kicked him to the side which caused him to hit the ground hard and roll across the floor hard tIll he finally stopped.

Above the avatar, were the words I waited for to come. 


And above me 


I felt very accomplished and felt very proud as well, on Oz, I'm still myself, funny, smart, cool, chill, awesome of course, I was myself still, I couldn't really be that in the world anymore but I tried once and then again but It just didn't work, but I got lucky when we moved to Sakae's estate in Ueda, It gave me a chance to start fresh this year tomorrow in school, I'm not happy about going back but I plan to take this chance, after winning on Oz, I smirked and lifted a fist up as the audience just got louder, as the battle was ended, I started walking away till I saw a message 


Dang It and I was gonna eat my Chinese food (can I get a hoyyeah!?) As I turned around, I felt like doing the flop, what I saw, scared me a bit but excited me a lot, It was the King, King Kazma.

(A/n: Ok! I wanna do another chapter but It's freaking 12:21 In the morning! I'm tired! I have school tomorrow! And I needa sleep, their was a lot the reader talked about her past life so yeah but It will get good! I mean I think It's good now b/c...

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(A/n: Ok! I wanna do another chapter but It's freaking 12:21 In the morning! I'm tired! I have school tomorrow! And I needa sleep, their was a lot the reader talked about her past life so yeah but It will get good! I mean I think It's good now b/c writing this was just amazing to me, and If this story brought some sad times or anything I'm sorry If your going through that or went through that but bullying and judgement Isn't good the world should be equal to everyone, no matter what, just know other people feel like u as well and u aren't alone, I hope u enjoy this my Oz Avatars catch u later, bye! *logging out of Oz*) 

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