Your Turn

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"I swear if you don't do something about this pain I will rip your heart out and squeeze until you feel more pain than I am!" Zelena screamed at her sister, then slid down the wall until she was squatting against it.

Regina just rolled her eyes. That was probably the tenth time her sister had made the same threat when her contraction started to peak. Every time she had to remind her, "you forget, I have felt this pain. I delivered twins while trapped in my vault." It's an experience she won't soon forget, one of the most traumatizing experiences of her life.

"Besides," she said as she knelt down next to her sister, "you told me not to use my magic unless someone was dying. Which you, my dear, are not."

"Well I bloody well take it back! Just do something! Aaahhh!" Zelena spat, before she leaned forward onto her hands and knees.

Regina moved closer to her sister and started to dig the heel of her hand into her lower back.

"You made me promise, I will not go back on that. Just breathe through it, it'll pass soon enough." Regina spoke softly, directly into her sisters ear. That was the only way she could be heard through Zelena's constant high pitched screaming.

Dear Lord was she loud.

"I hate you!" Zelena screamed, shooting daggers at her sister through her narrowed eyes.

Regina couldn't fight the urge to roll her eyes again. "Hate me all you want, it doesn't make a difference to me."

*** Around 9 months earlier ***

There was a pounding on the front door of the Mayor's mansion. A loud insistent banging that caused Robin and Regina to look at each other, confused.

It was late, very late, and they weren't expecting anyone. They both silently arrived to the conclusion that something must be wrong. There's no other reason for someone to be pounding on their door at this late hour.

Robin hurried down the stairs as the banging got louder, Regina hot on his heels.

He held out his arm to stop her at the bottom of the stairs. They didn't know what was on the other side of the door and he wanted her to stay back until he could investigate. He raised his eyebrows and nodded at her. He wasn't moving from his spot until she gave some form of confirmation that she would listen to his silent request.

She crossed her arms and huffed at him before nodding back. She loved how protective he was, but sometimes it just got annoying. She's the one with magic after all, and at the moment all he had was his fists.

Now that Regina had agreed to stay put he started making his way to the door. He couldn't see anyone out either of the side windows so they must have been standing right up against the door. If the continued incessant pounding was any indication, they were probably banging against it with both fists.

He didn't have a choice. In order to see who it was he had to open the door. He placed one hand on the doorknob and turned the lock with the other, took a quick glanced back to see Regina still standing in the spot that he left her, good girl, then slowly cracked the door open. His eyes went wide at the sight in front of him. A very distraught redhead. Her hair was a mess, her cheeks were stained with tears, her clothes rumpled and miss buttoned. Something had happened, and it couldn't be good. He then noticed her cheek was slightly red, as if she had been hit by something, or God forbid, someone.

Regina took a step closer, his reaction made her nerves rise. He had been standing there for a moment motionless. His body was stiff and his grip on the door was tight.

"Robin, who is it?" She whispered, daring to take another step forward.

"Zelena," he breathed out in his shock as he opened the door fully and moved to the side.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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