We Were Just in 2013...!

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I slowly opened my eyes and put my hand on my head as it hurt so bloody much, and groaned. I slowly sat up and as I did, Brianna opened her eyes.

"What happened?" she asked, now yawning.

"I don't know. The last thing I remember, is being hit by a car." I say with a confused expression on my face, wouldn't we be in the hospital?

I stood up on my feet and then I froze.

"Syd, what's wrong?" Bri asked.

"I...we're not... Look!" I stutter and point to where we were.

She stood Up and brushed her self off .

" Syd what are you-" She said and looked in the direction I was looking in.

"oh... My... Gosh!" she shouts attracting attention

"Brianna, shh people are looking.!" I whisper shout.

"Where the hell are we?" she asked.

I didn't know where we were, so I asked the next person that walked past.

"Um excuse me, where are we?" I asked the young women.

"Liverpool." she replied in a scouse accent, like it was the most obvious thing ever. I froze and thought about it. We were just in New York, and now we're in Liverpool...

"And what year is it?" I ask, hoping it was still 2013.

"1963." She replies, and walks off leaving behind 2 very very confused and very cold young 19 year old woman.

"What are we going to do?" I asked l. We don't have any money, no clothes, and we're really cold.

"I don't know, but let's go into that café over there and warm up" Bri says, and we quickly get in side to warm up.


John and I left the studio to go get some hot drinks to warm us up and when we got inside, we saw 2 beautiful women sat there talking looking worried.

"Oi John" I nudge him.

"What George?" he said, he hates it when people nudge him.

"Look, over there." I say, pointing a little. He follows my gaze, and Smiled

"John.... John...?" I say, waving my hand in front of my mates face.

He smirked and then he made his way over to the shorter , light haired girl, me following right behind.

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