Morning sickness and big news part 1

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I woke up and felt strong arms around my waste, I smiled to my self and slowly turned round to face my sleeping John. I wanted to wake him up but I couldn't, he looked so...peaceful. I slowly moved in and brushed my lips against his which caused him to wake up a little

"Mornin love" he whispered pulling me I'm closer to him

"Morning" I reply leaning in to kiss him when I suddenly felt like I was going to throw up

"Syd, are ya' alright love?" John asked looking a bit worried

"Excuse me" I say getting off of the bed and running into the toilet, lifting the toilet seat ups and throwing up. I didn't feel sick or anything, I just... I must have eaten something or maybe... Oh no no no I couldn't be could I? I couldn't possibly be.... Pregnant? My thought were interrupted when John sat next to me and pulling me so I was sat In between his legs

"Are ye alright love? Do you feel sick?" He asked stroking my hair

"I feel absolutely fine" I reply looking up at johns confused face

After a while of sitting there, John stroking my hair and me panicking in the inside, we got up, got dressed and went to see the others who were all sat on the sofa chatting away until Bri noticed us

"Hey guys come and... Syd are you alright?" She asked getting up

"Yes I'm fine why wouldn't I be?" I snapped back

"You look a bit... Pale" she replied taking a few steps back

"Go to the doctors, I'll come with yer', you really do look I'll love" John said after a minutes silence

"Okay but... Can I.... Go on my own?" I asked as John looked me in the eye and he knew I wanted to be alone right now

"Yeah love, I'll be here when you get back" John replied kissing me lightly, I smiled at Him and grabbed my coat and left

Once i got to the doctors, I signed in and waited, staring into space dreading what the results are going to be until my name Is called and I'm taken away into the room with a female doctor

"Hello, could you tell me why you're here?"

"I uh... I felt sick and I... Threw up this morning and I felt perfectly fine, no tummy ache or anything and I just wanted to know if there's anything wrong with me" I say to her looking at my hands, she asked me to lie down as she started a few tests On me and sent things away to be tested, about an hour later, she came back into the room with the results

"Well, I think congratulations are in order" she smiled at me

"What? Why? Aren't I sick?" I ask looking confused like John did this morning

"You're pregnant! Congratulations Mrs...." Pregnant? No I couldn't be, we always used protection! Oh god it must have been that time after we first.... Oh god no! I'm 19 years old! She assumed I'm married just because I'm pregnant, I knew she wanted me to answer

"Lennon, Mrs Lennon" I let Johns last name slip out

"As in the last name of the famous Beatle John Lennon? You're married to the John Lennon?!" She jumped up and down in excitement

"Y-yes I am, uhh... I have to go now and tell my... Husband" I reply , leaving the room and I slowly walked back to the hotel thinking about how I should tell John, the truth is, I'm scared, what if he leaves me?

I got to the door and slowly turned the handle and opened the door, walking in. I was surprised to see John and George, Bri, Ringo and Paul sat there waiting

, as soon as the door shut p, they all looked up at me while johns stood up

"Well? Is everything alright? Are you alright? John asked

"I'm pregnant..." I say not moving, everyone was completely silent....

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