Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: A game with the chairman?

    There were currently 44 applicants and right now they're in the airship. The airship was currently flying toward the site for the Third phase.

    "Allow me to introduce myself to the forty-four remaining applicants" Netreo said, standing in front of the applicants. "I am Netreo, Chairman of this year's Hunter Exam Selection Committee". Then a short man that looked like a green bean, wearing a suit introduced himself, "I am his secretary, Bean". Neva looked at him wondering, 'Can I ask you why you look like a bean, sir?'

    "Originally, I thought about making my appearance during the exam's final phase, but as you can see I am already here. . ." he trailed off. Making the applicants had this tense atmosphere. He smirked, "I'm loving the tension in the air!". Neva and Rai sweat-dropped, 'Well, I don't love the tension'.

     "So, I guess I'll stick around for the rest of the trip. Hohoho" he chuckled. Then Bean explained to the applicants, "We are scheduled to arrive at our destination tomorrow morning at 8 AM. You'll find dinner at the dining hall. You are also welcome to get some rest. In other word, you're free to do as you please until you are contacted".

      "Hey! Gon, Neva!" Killua called, "Want to go explore the airship?". They both nodded immediately, "Yeah! Let's go!" said Gon. "Do you guy want to join?" Neva asked Leorio and Kurapika. "No, you guy go ahead. We're going to rest" Leorio said tiredly, with Kurapika nodding, "You guys have fun and stay out of trouble, okay?".

      "Okay!" replied Neva, but Killua pouted "Who said we are going to be in trouble. Let's go!". They all ran out of the door, "Where did they even get the energy from?" asked Leorio, surprise that they weren't tired at all. Kurapika shrugged, "I have no idea, but I guess kids don't get tired very easily". Leorio glanced around before he saw something that confused him, "Huh? Hey, Kurapika look at that!".

     Kurapika followed Leorio's gazed and there he was looking at Rai who was just staring at the door where the trio just left. It wasn't just that, but they saw his face too. Rai must be aware of someone looking at him so he pulled his hood down a bit more and walked toward Hisoka. "Well" said Leorio, "That was unexpected".

    Anyway, back at the trio. They were currently exploring, until they saw the door to the kitchen. Killua rubbed his hand together, "I bet there's a lot foods there". Gon agreed, but for Neva not so much. "You know we can always go to the dining hall, right?".

     But the two boys had already went inside. She sweat dropped, "I am so not helping them, if they get in trouble". She sat on the floor and waited for her two friends to return with foods.

     While waiting, she just remembered the headphone that her brothers gave her. She took it out of her bag and place it on her ears, thinking of a song. "Hmm. . . . What song should I listen to? Prince of stride op? Immortal? Electric Angel? or maybe crybaby?" she muttered to herself thinking hard. She had finally decide on a song and it was RWBY opening 2 'Time to say goodbye'.

-Meanwhile with the examiners-

     The examiners, Menchi, Buhara and Satotz was enjoying their dinner, but I am not exactly sure how Satotz is eating.

     Menchi broke the silence when she asked, "How many applicants do you guys expect to make it?". Buhara stopped eating, "You mean passing the exam?".

      Menchi nodded, "Yes! This year we have some impressive bunch. Though I did failed most of them". Buhara furrowed his eyebrows, "But, doesn't it depend on what the upcoming phase consist of?" he questioned her. "Yes, that's true. But, didn't you notice it? One of them had this aura thingy going on" she said and took another bite of her food. "What do you think, Satotz?"

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