Chapter 8- Only Time Heals Wounds

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The funeral was a week later. I cried my eyes out the whole time, barely able to say the speech I had written and surprisingly, Chris was there holding my hand the entire time.

I didn't do anything anymore. I stayed in bed all day and all night crying. Months went by and I became even more depressed. I quit my job, and I could barely afford to pay the bills for my house. On top of that, I wasn’t eating at all. My life was pointless without Maurice.

I didn't want to live anymore. I just wanted to be with Maurice again. I wanted him to be with me. I wanted to smile when he would put his bowl on his head after eating; Hold him when he’d hurt himself and wouldn’t stop crying; laugh when he’d make a funny face. I knew a part of me had been taken away that I would never get back.


It had been months since Maurice passed and Audri was still a wreck as if it had happened yesterday. She was so depressed. She didn't do anything but lie in bed all day and cry. It had gotten to the point that the doctor had to prescribe her anti-depressants, even though they didn’t help at all. All she did was wake up, take a shower, brush her teeth, and go back to bed to cry.

I cut my phone off and made sure I didn’t take any business calls from anyone. I wanted to be there for her. I felt guilty every day for not coming into Maurice’s life earlier. I thought I could make up the time I missed with him, but now all I could do was wish I was given another chance.

One night, I was at Audri’s place making her dinner. She needed some help since her mom had to take two jobs just to help pay for her house and Audri’s apartment. I offered to help, but she insisted that I didn’t.

“Audri,” I yelled from downstairs, “I need to show you something!”

I cooked her steak with mashed potatoes and string beans. She said that was her favorite meal.

She slowly walked downstairs in her pajamas and noticed the food on the table.

“Thanks Chris,” she whispered with a half-smile.

“I remembered you told me that was your favorite meal, so I cooked it just for you,” I smiled as she sat down in front of the plate.

“I’m not that hungry,” she said.

“Just try it. You’ll love it,” I sat across from her and hoped she would at least take one bite.

She stared at the plate for a while and suddenly burst into tears, “I’m sorry Chris. I’m not hungry.”

I watched Audri as she ran upstairs back to her room. I didn’t know what else to do, so I followed her.

She was lying down in her bed so I got in the bed with her. I wrapped my arms around her and held her as she cried. I wanted to do whatever I could to make her feel better.

“Audri, you can’t go on like this,” I said in her ear.

The room was dark, so I couldn’t see anything.

“I just miss him so much,” she replied.

“I know, but making yourself feel bad isn’t gonna help. It’s been months.”

“You don’t understand,” she was crying really hard.

“You think I don’t know how it feels to lose someone close? He was my son too. And I feel guilty EVERY day for not being there for him earlier.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever stop feeling better. He was the only thing that kept me happy,” she said.

I wiped her tears, “I know.”

“Thank you so much for being here with me,” she said and turned over to nestle her head in my chest.

I rubbed her back gently while she continued crying and waited for her to fall asleep.

Only time heals wounds.

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