I See You

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I have this little hc that Katsuki can just slightly change the color of his explosions depending on what he eats. Anyways! Signing will be 'looking like this!'- Nico

"Bye, Mouse! Behave!" Kirishima wave to his mainecoon. She was grey and very, very fat. He loved her to pieces.

The bus ride was short and uneventful. He saw a cute girl, but that was about it. She had snake bites. As he got off a block away from Yuuei campus, he wished for the pair of gloves he lost a week ago. Shoving his hands in his jacket, Kirishima trudged on.

It was cold. Far too cold for a summer child like Kirishima. He dully remembered Kaminari making fun of his scarf earlier. It was kitty print. Not to mention warm! He thought it was quite manly of him.

Katsuki was standing just outside the gates, typing on a phone. It had brightly colored explosions on the case. Cool.The blonde was glaring at it like it had offended him. He had a beige scarf covering his nose. He could almost since the frown that was no doubt under said scarf.

He looks interesting. And cute. A manly kinda cute.

Kirishima walked over to the blonde. He stopped in front of the angry boy. Mr. Frowny Face did not acknowledge the red-head. "Hey! My name's Kirishima! What's your name?"




Kirishima's head tilted curiously.

"......Hello? Anyone awake in there?"


Still nothing.

Kirishima snapped his fingers directly in front of Mr. Frowny Face's eyes. Blondie's eyes snapped up to Kirishima's confused face. His scarf slipped down. His frown morphed into a snarl. He typed at his phone without breaking eye contact with Kirishima.

What the fuck do you want?

Kirishima's eyes lit up. Progress! He thought their first conversation was going quite well. "You look like someone who would go and try for heroics department! I'm going for heroics dep. Too. What's your name? Mines Kirishima!

More typing.

My name is Bakugou. Now fuck off.

If Kirishima's smile got any wider, his face would split. Mr. Frowny Face had a name! It was manly! He expected no less.

Bakugou. He rolled it around in his head throughout the day. Through the ceremony. Through the written test. Not through the physical test though. He had to focus!

As he rode the bus home. He caught a glimpse of Frowny Face-Bakugou!-
walking down a sidewalk. He was accompanied by a green haired boy. He wore oversized clothes, but Kirishima could tell he was muscular.They looked fairly close.

Broccoli looks cute too! He shouldn't hide his muscles thought. I hope he's in my classes along with Bakugou!

As the bus sped up, the two boys were quickly out of sight. Kirishima turned to face the front. He smiled lightly to himself.

High school is going to be so fun.

Kirishima is free too gay for his own good. And yes, Kirk has a plan to woo them at the same time. But shush! You didn't her it from me! He is observant and takes most thing in stride to me. How else could he put up with Katsuki so much?! Hoped you liked it! - Nico

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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